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Showing posts with label Diet and Nutrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diet and Nutrition. Show all posts

White Water for Your Health

Most of us are drinking water shortages. Approximately 80% of the cells making up our bodies are composed of water. It means we can not maintain our life without water. Its owner to prevent shortages of water in our bodies, we need to supply water into our bodies to help the expenditure of dirty water and improve the body's fluids. Water what is good for our bodies??
Once we know that drinking water is important, what kind of water should we drink??

Tap water?
Most tap water contains chlorine which is used for sterilization. The content trihalometana as a cause of cancer in the sterilization process. Besides tap water also contaminated pesticides, Canto industrial waste, sewage cleaning residual water that seeped into the soil layer. So your body should stay away from tap water.

The water you drink does not include tea, soft drinks, coffee and alcohol. We recommend that you do not replace water with drinks above. Better not to drink water and replace water with sports drinks to relieve thirst after exercise. Although these drinks contain minerals and amino acids needed by the body, its sugar content is also high. If you consume that much sugar, blood sugar levels will rise and a large amount of insulin released from the pancreas. We overload the body and make the body sluggish and tired.

Tea has flavors of soft drinks is healthier than high sugar yield. But the people who often drink tea, a layer of mucus in the stomach will look rough. What is this?? Tea contains substances that cause the bitter taste of tannin in tea. As a result, tannins in tea can cause peptic ulcers. Catechins in tea is good for your health, but if taken in excess can cause gastric cancer. You want to gastric cancer?

Bottled fruit juice or canned drinks?
Have you read the packaging beverage products labeled "100% fruit" or "100% natural". You believe?
Bottled or canned fruit juice is made from fruit. BUT please bear in mind in you, THAT fruit juice in bottled or canned NOT CONTAINING ENZYMES are needed in your body. The body requires a lot of enzymes derived from vegetables and fruits THE FRESH.
Can be called in bottled or canned juices as juice KOSENTRAT. Why? Fruit extracts that will be created as bottled or canned juice to be heated. As a result of enzymes in the fruit will experience denaturation (enzyme damage). So that the juice is NOT CONTAINING ENZYMES.

Coffee contains caffeine which is harmful to the body. In addition, the coffee sold in the market often contain sugar and milk refinasi.

Fizzy drinks?
Many soft drinks (carbonated) sold in the market tainted by a lot of sugar. Sugary drinks will trigger a rise in blood sugar can cause diabetes. Would not you do not want a disease that comes in your life right??

Cold water and alcohol?
Drinking cold water when thirsty is also not good. Perhaps you immediately feel comfortable because of increased blood circulation caused by the effects of alcohol. BUT after a few hours you will mengekut blood vessels (vasoconstriction) so difficult to carry oxygen and other nutrients to your cells. The body is also burdened because waste expenditure disturbed.

Beer is one of the alcoholic beverage products. Meaning is highly diuretic and can drain, rather than add to the water in your body. Perhaps you exercise so healthy and increase metabolism, BUT if the exercise is terminated by drinking beer, which happens even your cells age.
Better to decrease soft drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks, alcohol, tea and coffee. DO NOT equate it to drink all kinds of drinks WITH WATER. AIR is desired by your cells. Drink one or two cups of water on a regular basis every few time throughout the day. That way, you maintain the moisture content in cells and protect itself from cellular damage and disease.

Replace consumption of soft drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks, alcohol, tea or coffee WITH WATER.
Better not to drink water and replace water with sports drinks to relieve thirst after exercise.
Drinking lots of water helps keep the skin maintaining fresh and young
Immediately save your life from now on by eating only white water.
Next: Nutritional Value of Dragon Berry Fruit
        7 an Alternative Substitute for Drinking water

Nutritional Value of Dragon Berry Fruit

Nutritional Value of Dragon Berry Fruit
Dragon berry fruits are rich nutritional value and are highly concentrated with Vitamin C, minerals and boasts of high fiber content. The table below shows a characteristic nutritional value of the dragon berry fruit.

Ascorbic Acid

Equally available in affluent in a dragon berry fruit is phytoalbumins. Basically, these nutrients are vital and known world over for the antioxidants they possess which usually help in the prevention of the formation of free radicals that cause cancer and other diseases.

Importance and benefical of eating a Dragon berry fruit

Dragon berry fruit contain Carotene that helps maintain and equally improve the health of the eyes. than The fiber in this fruit enhances digestion in our bodies and equally reduces fat. The protein component of the dragon berry fruit enhances the body’s metabolism. you will find Calcium content that reinforces bones and aid in formation of healthy teeth. Vitamin B2 acts as a multi vitamin to recover and improve loss appetite. Vitamin B1 assists in production of energy as well as metabolizing carbohydrates. Vitamin B3 lowers bad cholesterol level and good for heart and enhances the appearance of the skin by moisturizing and smoothening it.

Dragon berry fruit is fruit that have high Vitamin C content. this is source of antioxidant, ensures bruises and cuts heal faster and improves the general immune system of our bodies. And phosphorus aids in tissue formation.


Fruit Juice Treat Fertility Problems

Not a few people who have problems with fertility. Fertility problems are the problems experienced by many couples umun. Fertility problems have been experienced by 2.1 million couples married in the United States.

The number of couples who have fertility problems have increased, while the treatments offered by doctors is very limited. Because of this, many couples who experience fertility problems who are looking for other types of drugs in order to increase the chance of having children.

Nutrition does play a crucial role in fertility. However, to overcome fertility problems through nutritional approach, it is often overlooked.

If the body lacks certain nutrients, the body will experience a biochemical imbalance. Unique biochemical processes of the body will begin to slow down and will not function normally until the imbalance that occurs can be overcome.

Ensuring that food consumed is good nutrition for the body is one of the most important thing to do. If you eat foods that are loaded with sugar content, chemicals, preservatives, artificial ingredients, and unhealthy fats, can cause infertility. Most people just do not realize the impact of nutrients for the body's fertility.

Nutrition is a thing that might often overlooked, but is actually an underlying thing that whatever happens to the body. Not only fertility problems, but nutrients also may underlie the occurrence of various other diseases. How can expect the body is always fit and healthy, if not ever pay attention to good nutrition for our bodies.

Intake of other nutrients, like vitamin B12, vitamin E, vitamin C, beta carotene, lycopene, iron, zinc, and selenium is needed for both men and women. Nutritious beverages can also help to overcome fertility problems.

As quoted from the Men's Health Tune Up, Monday (09/19/2011), based on the results of several studies, a drink of fruit juice that can help to overcome fertility problems in men, among others:

1. Pomegranate juice
Pomegranate juice is one drink that can help to overcome fertility problems. Pomegranate juice can increase sperm count and fertility.

It is believed that a very potent antioxidant found in pomegranates. Antioxidants have the benefit of the fatty acids may protect sperm from damage.

2. The combination of guava juice and watermelon
A combination of guava and watermelon juice can also greatly help to overcome fertility problems. The combination of these juices can have the elements needed by man to become effective in reproduction.

Lycopene contained in guava, has antioxidant properties that have a benefit to help overcome fertility problems. The benefits of lycopene are able to improve the function of the male reproductive system.

The simplest thing is most easily done to make the body healthy and fit is to improve the balance of nutrients for the body. Thus, there is no harm in trying a few variations of fruit juice to help overcome the fertility problems experienced.

Luwak Coffee Free Pesticides

luwak coffee free pesticides
Luwak coffee free pesticides. Pesticides can cause various health problems like cancer, ADHD in children, disorders of the nervous system and weaken the immune system. Fortunately for those of you who like luwak coffee, because luwak coffee is free from pesticides.

Pesticides are often referred to as 'poison'. But many farmers who use pesticides to prevent damage or decay of plant. Although the use of pesticides in some measure is still safe for the body, but it would be better if it did not interact at all.

Why Luwak coffee free of pesticides? This is because pesticides on luwak coffee has been 'cleaned' naturally in the digestive of civet.

Kopi Luwak is a type of coffee that is often eaten civet (Paradoxorus hermaphroditus) and a process of fermentation in the gastrointestinal system of the civet.

Coffee beans are not destroyed in the gastrointestinal system of civet, because the civet has a digestive system that is simple, because the coffee beans encased by a hard cuticle. Coffee beans will then be out along with feces.This coffee is known as luwak coffee.

For the fans and lovers of coffee, luwak coffee is judged to have better flavor than other types of coffee. This makes the price of luwak coffee became very expensive.

"Basically, civet coffee has the same benefits as other coffee," said Dr. Phaidon L Toruan, an expert on healthy living from Jakarta Anti-aging & Executive Fitness Consultant, detikHealth when contacted on Wednesday (21/07/2010).

But according to Dr. Phaidon, luwak coffee has some advantages than other coffee, especially since the coffee is processed naturally in the stomach mongoose, namely:

1. Luwak coffee free from Pesticides
Pesticides on the beans will be 'cleaned' naturally in the digestive of civet. Thus, coffee is brought together with civet feces has been free from harmful pesticide content.

2. Luwak will select and eat the best coffee beans
Instincts of Luwak would have chosen the best or most mature of coffee beans. This opinion is also shared by Dr. Ir Yadi Haryadi, MSc, Master of Food Technology IPB.

"It gives an advantage. Cause, in regular coffee there is the possibility of mixing coffee beans between raw and mature, which could reduce the quality of coffee," explains Dr. Yadi.

3. The process of natural fermentation in the digestive of civet
"The process of natural fermentation in the gastrointestinal system of civet, giving changes the chemical composition in coffee beans," said Dr. Phaidon, who is also author of 'Fat Loss Not Weight Loss'.

Natural fermentation in the digestive of civet can improve the quality of the taste of coffee, because besides being the optimum fermentation temperature, also aided by enzymes and bacteria in the digestive of civet.

This fermentation causes  protein in the coffee luwak become lower and high fat. Proteins associated with bitter taste in coffee, so if the lower protein  then the bitter of coffee will reduce or lost.

While the high fat content, making the coffee taste more delicious. This is similar to other foods, the higher the fat the food will be more delicious.

"But basically, for health benefits, Luwak coffee just the same as another, which still contains caffeine which can increase heart rate," concluded Dr. Phaidon

So, are you interest to taste luwak coffee free pesticides?

Eggs make severe condition of acne

Acne is caused by many factors such as hormonal and skin is not clean. Some factors believed can make severe codition of acne, one of them eating an eggs that can severe condition of acne. Actually, eggs are good nutrient rich antioxidant, even good for diet program. But for some people can severe condition of acne.

The main etiologi of acne is hormones that trigger excess oil glands to produce an oily substance called 'sebum'. When skin cells dead and bacteria clog the pores resulting in inflammation and acne develops.

some types of food also can affect acne. Although not directly cause acne, eggs can make acne more severe in some people, as reported by LIVESTRONG on Friday (19/08/2011).

Diets west foods that usually such as meat products, including eggs, usually contain refined carbohydrates and processed foods can increase inflammation in the body.

Inflammation will make increase production rates an oil glands, thus making the skin oily, inviting bacteria and will be acne.

In non-organic eggs, fowl is usually given hormone injections. That hormone can interfere hormonal activity in your body. fowls usually also receive antibiotics that can interfere good bacteria in intestinal. In fact, a study published in the journal Gut Pathogens in January of 2011, the intestinal bacteria may a role in the development of acne.

If the egg can make severe your acne, you should avoid eating eggs 4 to 6 months to see the difference. According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, people can know their acne be better after avoiding some types of food.

Remember, eggs are often found on olahah foods such as mayonnaise, breads pasta and cakes. Reduce foods containing eggs might help reduce acne on your face

Where to find dragon fruit

dragon berry fruit
Where to find dragon fruit?. Today, dragon fruit plants have been easily found.  Dragon fruit was first discovered in Mexico. In Mexico, dragon fruit that is considered to be nothing special. However, after being taken to Vietnam, a dragon fruit plant is widely cultivated and grown in Southeast Asia. Dragon fruit has a different shape and distinctive than other fruits. So the added excellence of this fruit.

Ancient China Society considers the dragon fruit is more than just fruit with a variety of benefits. Dragon fruit is often a companion of two statues on the altar of worship. Every Lunar New Year celebrations this fruit is also served, and became one of the dishes that must exist, because it is believed to bring blessings.

Dragon fruit in Vietnam is often called Thanh Long or clever dragon while the Chinese call the Long Feuy Kwa. In Mexico, known as dragon fruit Pitahaya.

Dragon fruit has a light skin color, skin is not smooth, but plated. scales that looked like a snake or dragon. The contents of the fruit are white, red or purple with black seeds that spread. Texture has flavors like kiwi fruit.

Agricultural Research Agency of the Republic of Indonesia said that the dragon berry fruit give many health benefits, can lower cholesterol levels, glucose balance, kidney function and strengthens bones, and improve brain function. The phytochemical substances in these fruits can reduce the risk of cancer.

Dragon fruit is also very good for the cardiovascular system. The fruit is very effective for reducing emotional stress and neutralize toxins in the blood (detoxification). Dragon berry fruit contains rich nutritional value, such as 80 percent water, vitamin C, fiber, calcium, iron, and phosphorus are useful for lowering blood pressure. Dragon fruit is also very useful in the digestive system and lowers cholesterol levels. If you want to avoid the various diseases, there is no harm if you eat a dragon fruit from now on

Effects on caffeine makes body slim?

Many people think that drinking coffee can support the diet program because effect on caffeine would reduce appetite. But whether drinking coffee can makes body slimer?. Caffeine in black coffee is one drink that can help increase metabolism. In addition to fat-free, black coffee (without sugar) is also free of calories that can play a role in weight loss.

Several studies have shown that the effect on caffeine in black coffee may act as an appetite suppressant, and only a short time. Thereby reducing  mood to eat, as reported by MayoClinic, Monday (01/08/2011).

Effect on Caffeine in coffee actually can dilate blood vessels and works to increase metabolism to burn fat. However, losing weight by drinking coffee is not a good solution.

The first reason, we can not measure how many cups of coffee should be drunk so that the fat burning process going effectively. Another reason, because there are side effects that can harm the body if you drink too much coffee. Actually caffeine in coffee is healthy foods if drink no more than 3 cups a day. even effects on caffeine can reduce symptoms of ADHD

Effect on Caffeine can increase acid production in gastric', thus causing damage gastric mucose. In addition, usually most people will add sugar when drinking coffee. This will give negatively affect in levels of glucose. And if too much drinking coffee can increase withdrawl symptoms of coffee

In addition, the influence of coffee to lose weight in reality do not apply to everyone. Correlations between coffee and weight loss have not been scientifically proven.

The most logical explanation is the sugar in a coffee can replace needs of the body's glucose. In some people, no impact to reduce appetite. Will be better exercise and exercise to lose weight.


Dragon berry Fruit benefits

Dragon berry Fruit benefits. Dragon berry fruit has benefits for health such as balancing glucose levels, protective oral health, prevention of colon cancer, reduce cholesterol, preventing bleeding and treating vaginal discharge.

how to eat dragon fruit?. dragon fruit has a distinctive shape, has a rather thick skin. and has seeds that spread throughout the fruit flesh. Dragon berry fruit is usually consumed as fresh fruit to relieve thirst, because the dragon fruits contain high water kada about 90% by weight of fruit. dragon fruit has a sweet taste because it contains glucose reaches 13-18 briks. Dragon fruit can also be served in the form of juice, sweets, jam or various forms of processed according to what you want.

According to AL Leong from Johncola Pitaya Food R & D organizations 'researching' the red dragon fruit, dragon berry fruit rich nutritional value in various vitamins and mineral substances which greatly helps improve immunity and beneficial for metabolism.

"Research shows the red dragon fruit is excellent for the cardiovascular system, also maintain emotional stability and detoxification." Research also shows this fruit can prevent colon cancer, lowers high cholesterol, "he said.

Overall, each of the red dragon fruit contain adequate protein that can increase metabolism and maintain cardiovascular function; fiber (to prevent colon cancer, diabetes and diet); carotene (eye health, strengthen the brain and increase immunity), calcium (bone strengthening).

Dragon fruit also contains FE to increase level of hemoglobin; vitamin B1 (prevent fever), vitamin B2 (add to taste), vitamin B3 (lowers cholesterol) and vitamin C (to maintain healthy skin and prevent acne).

Here is a complete nutritional of the dragon fruit:

Sugar content: 13-18 briks
Water: 90%
Carbohydrates: 11.5 g
Acid: 0.139 g
Protein: 0.53 g
Fiber: 0.71 g
Calcium: 134.5 mg
Phosphorus: 8.7 mg
Magnesium: 60.4 mg
Vitamin C: 9.4 mg


Effects on caffeine reducing symptoms of ADHD

Effects on caffeine reducing symptoms of ADHD. Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are usually difficult to concentrate and reactive. effects on caffeine could affect hyperactive children appear to be better, though sometimes cause side effects. Coffee can be nutrition in diet program for children with ADHD.

effects on caffeine can stimulate the methylxanthine. Methylxanthine act by blocking chemicals in the brain that causes the 'sleepiness'. Effect on caffeine also stimulate the production of adrenaline, which can sharpen attention. Adrenaline also causes the brain to release dopamine, which have an important role to neutralize the function of uncontrolled motor. as occurs in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Doctors usually treat children with ADHD with psychostimulant drugs such as methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine-amphetamine, which is marketed under the trade name Ritalin and Adderall.

Effects on caffeine affects the brain chemicals similar to this drug, which is to increase attention span in hyperactive children. According to the American Psychological Association, effects on caffeine can also minimize the aggressiveness, both in children and in hyperactive children who do not have ADHD.

A healthy teenager should consume caffeine, but not more than 100 mg a day, as reported by Teens Health. Consumption levels required to affect the condition of hyperactivity, can be more than that amount.

American Psychological Association showed that 1-2 cups of caffeine in coffee can be accepted to help treat the symptoms of hyperactivity, as reported by LIVESTRONG on Thursday (08/11/2011).

But unfortunately, the administration of caffeine in children can result in unwanted side effects, like insomnia. The impact of caffeine as a whole also depends on body weight.

American Psychological Association showed that using caffeine to treat hyperactivity in children is better than no treatment at all. In children not taking medication, symptoms of hyperactivity could increase.

But mimum coffee should not be a substitute for conventional therapies, especially without consulting with your pediatrician. With a doctor's approval, you can add caffeine therapy for children who already have drug or exchange of a small dose of caffeine for the drug.


Green tea benefit

What is benefit of green tea? Green tea is a beverage derived from tea leaves that have a Latin name Camellia sinesis. Green tea is very popular in Japan, there commonly called Ocha, most Japanese people drink it every day, cause they believe that in green tea extract can maintain their health. They also have even a tradition of distinctive procedure of how drinking green tea. Green tea benefit evidenced by many studies that show the incidence of cancer, heart disease, and various diseases caused by modern lifestyle, is so low in Japan. This is reality of green tea benefit. This is reason why tradition drink green tea is very strengt in japan. .

Many people says that green tea is the choice for healthier living. one of herbal and natural remedies. So lets back to natural healthy lifestyle. Green tea benefit on the catechins in green tea leaf, particularly epigallocatechin gallate or abbreviated as EGCG. Catechins were classified in a group of antioxidants that naturally exist also in vegetables and fruits. Also there is in tea and wine.

EGCG is high antioxidant, could be four to five higher than vitamin C and E. Not surprisingly, green tea can inhibit cancer cell growht. Antioxidants in green tea can kill cancer cells without harming surrounding healthy tissue. This is similar to the of chemotherapy, but without side effects. this is great green tea benefit.

What is the benefit of green tea?

1. Preventing cancer
Prevent the risk of cancer. Polyphenols  in green tea is the most potent antioxidants. Polyphenols prevent the growth of cancer cells in the blood. Several studies had found that people who drink green tea regularly can reduce the risk of breast cancer, stomach, colon, and prostate cancer.

2. Skin care

Benefits of green tea for skin is as natural antiseptic to cope with the itching and swelling. Put a pinch of green tea on the inflamed skin, sunburn, dark spots and in the eyelids, and feel the coolness.

3. Protect your skin
benefits of green tea for skin also can protecting skin from the adverse effects of sunlight causes skin cancer. That's why you see lots of beauty products such as sunscreen or a moisturizer that is made from green tea.

4. Stabilizes blood pressure

More than 50 percent of people who consume green tea, are rarely exposed to high blood pressure than those who never drank. Apparently Polyphenols are able to maintain not to vasocontrotion and increase blodd pressure. Green tea can also lower cholesterol and prevent strokes.

5. Keeping the Memory

Green tea benefit was able to maintain brain function decline. Those who drank two glasses a day can avoid cognitive problems than those who rarely drank. This tea contains high antioxidants that can fight free radicals that attack the brain that causing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

6. Ageless

Green tea benefit make arteries be healthier, be more youthful. At least 10 ounces of green tea consumed daily, can absorb the excess fat from the arteries and cholesterol. But latest study shown green tea couldt significant lower cholesterol

7. Lose weight
Green tea benefit can burn fat. Drinking green tea can help the process of burning calories. 

Reduce withdrawl symptoms of coffee

This is tips to reduce withdrawl symptoms of coffee. Everyone knows that caffeine can be addictive. Therefore if someone wants to reduce the levels of caffeine, she will experience withdrawl symptoms of coffee. How to reduce these effects?

Today, coffee becoming important to many people. The most common reason is to reduce stress and work pressure. These people will become addicted and need a certain intake of caffeine a day. This situation trigger withdrawl symptoms of coffee.

When they become an addict, they will experience withdrawal  symptoms of coffee when trying to reduce or stop caffeine intake. This is because caffeine can stimulate and have a direct effect on the body and mind.

In a study conducted by researchers at Johns Hopkins University found the initiation of caffeine withdrawal symptoms will occur within 12-24 hours after a stop or reduce caffeine intake.

The most severe withdrawal symptoms of coffee usually occur within the time felt the first 2 days. But the researchers observed that these symptoms will gradually be reduced between 2-9 days.

Symptoms that occur when someone is experiencing withdrawal symptoms of coffee such as fatigue throughout the day, nausea, irritability, insomnia, stiff neck, shoulders, back, abdomen, hands and feet. constipation, anxiety and restlessness, difficulty concentrating and headaches.

But there are several ways you can do to reduce withdrawal symptoms of coffee, as quoted from Lifemojo, Wednesday (10/8/2011) the following:

1. Do not stop abruptly, especially for heavy caffeine consumers, cause this will only aggravate the symptoms of withdrawal.
2. Look for healthy drinks instead of coffee, for example by drinking decaffeinated coffee, fruit juice or green tea. This drink is more healthful and better for the body to give the benefit.
3. Seek support from family and friends, as well as other addictions, reduce caffeine can also make someone a little irritable or depressed. For that ask for help and support from people around in order to get through withdrawal.
4. Practice yoga breathing techniques, researchers from Svyasa University revealed that the yoga breathing technique can mimic the effects of caffeine on the body systems. The benefits such as reducing the dilatation of blood vessels that provides a natural solution to headaches due to caffeine withdrawal.
5. Changing the time drinking coffee with eating fruit. naturally, this fruit also helps increase energy and natural sources of sugar, and other benefits.


Green tea could`t lower cholesterol a significant

Rishi Tea Organic Jasmine Pearl Loose Leaf Tea, 2.99-Ounce Tin (Pack of 2)Green tea benefit, this is previous post that wrote about many benefits of green tea. Many people says that green tea is the choice for healthier living. one of herbal and natural remedies. Because, in the green tea leaf, contained a fairly high antioxidant. But the benefits of green tea could not feel someone who has high cholesterol. Green tea could not lower cholesterol a significant. However, green tea still give many benefits for our health.  

 "Recent medical studies show that green tea is less potent cholesterol fighting. Particularly bad cholesterol (LDL)." said Zheng Xin Xin and his team of researchers from Peking Union Medical College in a written statement as reported by Reuters on Thursday (7 / 7).
Xin Zheng had done 14 times the research laboratory to prove the efficacy of green tea to control bad cholesterol. In studies over the last month, proved that drinking green tea or extract, only lower LDL levels of less than two percent. 
"The group who regularly consume green tea, even in excessive levels, only succeeded in lowering LDL cholesterol of about 2.2 mg / dl. While the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) are not affected (fixed)," said Nathan Wong from the University of California. Similarly, quoted from Java Post newspaper (7 / 9).

However, green tea keep provide many benefits for our healthy cause it have high level antioxidant. So, green tea keep be choise for many people as one of natural healthy lifestyle. This one of best resource herbal consumption. So, keep drink this herbal as daily drink for maintaining our health. So, keep health with natural healthy lifestyle and you will enjoy your life like in heaven.

Noni Juice, Juice Benefits

Noni juice has many benefits to maintaining the health of our bodies. We have explained benefits of noni to the previous post. If you have not read it, you can read more about benefits of noni.  Noni is one form of herbal and natural remedies.

There have been many studies that prove that noni has broad benefits for health. And Now, many people are interested in "cultivating" Noni and doing mass production to create products noni, which is easy to be consumed. because we was known that the Noni fruit known as fruit that have the bad smell and bad taste. many people do not like the smell of noni, how people will eat it? while, noni contain many benefits that we will surely need it as one solution to solve our health problems or to maintain our health.

One good way for us to consume noni, that we may eat it in the form of noni juice. And we're going to get optimal benefits. if you do not have a problem with the smell of Noni and also taste, you better looking for noni fruit is still fresh, and consume immediately. You can also create your own noni juice at home. You can also mix it with honey or other fruit to reduce the smell. You can adjust to your taste. drink regularly! then get a lot of benefits for your health.

But if you have difficulty to get the noni fruit, one way in order to can enjoy the benefits of noni juice is to buy "noni juice products" that are packaged in form drink and capsules . You will not difficulty to get it because many manufacturers that provide and market a noni juice or in form supplement. So, what are you waiting for? Let the consumption of noni juice regularly!. and get healthy benefits to increase your life quality.
And I am promoting to you, Healthy is infestation. so give your time and money to get natural healthy! go back to nature!and makes your world like in heaven!. Good Luck.

Benefits of Noni (morinda)

For people in Indonesia, a noni plant or Morinda citrifolia usually seen in the villages. even growing wild. not many people know about the benefits of noni ( morinda ). Besides that, many people do not like the noni fruit to taste and smell unpleasant. If we know the benefits of the noni fruit ( morinda ), we would be surprised. In fact, the noni fruit does not prefferred this, noni as herbal and natural remedies can provide many benefits to our health. Noni ( morinda ) is one of the many types of herbal are amazing. Many people consume noni juice to get health benefits. In the market also already in form suplement or juice packaging.

As reported in the pages deherbal.com quoting from the book Healthy With Noni, author Mary Goreti Waha, STP. Medical research on Noni ( morinda )or Noni started at least 1950, when the scientific journal Science reported that Pacific Noni fruit showed anti-bacterial properties against M. pyrogenes, P. Aeruginosa, and even E. coli are deadly.

Studies and research on Noni ( morinda ) continues to be done by various research institutes and universities. Since 1972, Dr. Ralph Heinicke, renowned biochemist from the United States began to conduct research on the alkaloid xeronine of the enzyme bromelain (an enzyme in pineapple). He later discovered that the Noni fruit also contains xeronine and precursor (proxeronine) in large numbers. Xeronine is one of the important substances that regulate the function of proteins and specific cells of the human body.

In 1993, the journal Cancer Letter reported that some researchers from Keio University and The Institute of Biomedical Sciences in Japan who do research on 500 species of plant claimed that they found anti-cancer substances (damnacanthal) contained in Noni ( morinda ).

Leading research institutions in France, the Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Taiwan, Austria, Canada, and even the National Academy of Sciences, a center of scientific study of national prestigious in the United States has conducted various research on Noni ( morinda ). Meanwhile, researchers at the University of Hawaii has also done much research on Noni ( morinda ), including research on the activities of anti-tumor and anti-cancer Morinda citrifolia published in a scientific journal (Proc, West Pharmacology Society Journal, vol, 37, 1994).

A survey conducted by Dr. Neil Solomon of the 8000 users Noni juice (Tahitian Noni) involving 40 doctors and other medical practitioners indicates that Noni juice to help restore a number of diseases, such as: cancer, heart disease, digestive disorders, diabetes, stroke, and a number of other diseases that shown in the following table.

∑ Patient
% Helped
Heart disease
Diabetes, tipe 1&2
7 931
Decreased Libido
Penguatan otot
Gastrointestinal problem
Respiratory problem
Concentration disorder
Mental Stability
Renal disease

Research conducted by Dr. Neil Solomon above focuses on TAHITIAN NONI ™ Juice contains 89% Noni juice, because it is the most widely consumed at the time. Because it must be if the study used 100% Noni Juice is working power of his Noni Juice will be much stronger, so the likely amount of "percentage who helped" by Noni will be much higher.

Through intensive research conducted by scientists at the laboratory, demonstrated the superiority of the outer Noni biasa.Tanaman contains various vitamins, minerals and enzymes, alkaloids, co-factors and plant sterols that occur naturally. In addition, leaves and roots intact Noni ( morinda ) contains amino acids which are the main protein source.

Noni fruit water content of about 52 percent. Several studies have been conducted to determine what elements are contained in Noni. Studies and research has shown the presence of substances of interest in Noni juice, although not all identified. New in 1993, a researcher (Helen Sim), the master's thesis entitled The Isolation and Characterization of a Fluorescent Compound From The Fruit of Morinda citrifolia: Studies on 5-HT Receptor System reported the existence of substances in the Noni fruit that is not known by him or his friends. Most of these substances related to health and has been demonstrated only in the Noni fruit.

The following are other benefits of Noni fruit that have been scientifically proven.

Increase Endurance Body

Clinical investigations conducted by Dr. Schechter (Institute of Natural Medicine in California) yield important data about the ability of Noni juice, which stimulate the production of such T cells in the immune system (T cells play an important role in fighting the disease); strengthen the immune system, especially macrofaset and lymphocytes from the cell white blood; showed anti-bacterial effect; have the effect of anti-pain / pain (analgesic); inhibits cell growth of pre-cancer / tumor that is the ability to normalize the function of abnormal cells.

Mona Harrison, MD of Boston University School of Medicine and medical director of the DC General Hospital, USA reported that Noni increases the function of the thyroid gland and thymus gland, which is believed to act against infections and problems associated with the immune system.

Normalize Blood Pressure

According to Neil Solomon, MD.PhD, health problems of American researchers reported that the Noni fruit contains a type of phytonutrients, namely scopoletin which serves to widen the blood vessels that are narrowed. This causes the heart does not have to work too hard to pump blood, so blood pressure became normal.

The results of tests on animals showed that scopoletin lowers high blood pressure and normal to low (hypotension, abnormal). However, scopoletin contained in Noni fruit can interact synergistically with nutraceuticals (functional foods for treatment) to regulate high blood pressure became normal, but not lower blood pressure is already normal. Never found a case where the blood pressure down to normal resulting in low blood pressure (hypotension).

Experts from Stanford University, University of Hawaii, University of California (UCLA), Union College of London, University of Meets in France who has studied the Noni plant is agreed that the role lower blood pressure in many cases.

Simple clinical trial conducted by Scott Gerson, MD (from Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York) shows that many users Mengkudu reported that their blood pressure becomes high when stopped drinking Noni juice and return to normal when taking Noni juice on a regular basis .

Against Tumor and Cancer

An interesting paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association fin. Cancer Research 83rd in San Diego, California, 1992 is "Anti-tumor activity of Morinda citrifolia on Lewis Lung Carcinoma in the mouse injected." In this study, rats were given an injection of Lewis Lung Carcinoma (a type of cancer). All mice that did not get the care with Noni ( morinda ) die within 9-12 days due to cancer. While rats treated with Noni ( morinda ) able to survive 105 to 123 percent longer (40 percent of experimental mice live up to 50 days or more). The study was repeated several times and each time Mengkudu proven to significantly extend the life-aged rats exposed to cancer compared with rats not treated with Noni ( morinda ). In summary, the results of this study revealed that Noni can inhibit tumor growth.

A year later the journal Cancer Letters (vol.3, 1993) reported the discovery of anti-cancer agent / damnacanthal in the Noni ( morinda ) extract capable of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

There are some cases of cancer patients who consumed Noni fruit juice and be cured, among other cases, patients of Dr.. Harrison (DC General Hospital), who suffered from liver cancer and stomach swelling caused by excess fluid. During the 7 days taking Noni juice, swelling in the stomach is reduced significantly. Haru stomach fluids testing showed that cancer cells have disappeared.

According to Drs. Judah Folkman of Harvard University, Noni works synergistically with other micronutrients in menghamhat blood flow to the tumor cells. The mechanism is similar to squalen oil (from shark liver) that control brain tumor growth and prolong experimental mice by destroying the means of circulation of the blood supply to the tumor cells.

Eliminate Pain

The ability of Noni fruit has been known as an analgesic agent in the history of traditional medicine, so this plant is called a "painkiller tree" or "headache tree". Scientific research has proven beneficial effects of Noni to cope with the pain. In 1990, researchers found a significant relationship between dose of Noni juice extract with analgesic activity of rats (generally, the more widely used analgesic effect will be stronger).

Many theories that explain how the mechanisms work Noni ( morinda ) relieve pain. One is the theory of Dr.. Ralph Heinicke (renowned biochemist from the U.S.) who said that xeronine who play a role in relieving the pain. This is associated with the ability to normalize protein xeronine in abnormal cells, including cells of brain tissue, from which he came the pain.

Some cases of chronic pain such as headaches constantly, muscle soreness and joint pain nerves healed after taking Noni juice.

Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic

The compound scopoletin (hydroxy-methoxy-coumarin) is very effective as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic. Medical literature reported the successful treatment of arthritis, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and allergies by using scopoletin. Bryant Bloss, MD, an orthopedist from Indiana, the U.S. reported the success of Noni juice cure back pain that caused also 15 people and patients. Meanwhile, the 8 patients reported knee pain (osteoarthritis) almost does not feel taking Noni juice. Three of his patients. Bloss who suffer from asthma progress with the reduction in cough. Some patients with arthritis also begins to experience the real progress after drinking Noni juice. She offers Noni juice as food additives / supplements and not as a drug to the patient.


The results are published darn Pacific journal Science (vol 1.4, 1950) reported that Noni ( morinda ) contains anti-bacterial ingredients that can be used to treat heart disease and digestive problems. Antraquinon that many compounds found in Noni roots turned out to be against Staphylococcus bacteria that cause infections of the heart and the Shigella bacteria that cause dysentery.

Noni ( morinda ) is anti-bacterial against: Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Proteus morganii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella montevdleo, schotmuelleri Salmonella, Salmonella typhi, Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella flexnerii, Shigella paraciysenteriae BH und III-Z, Staphylococcus aureus.

Dr. Robert Young, microbiologist from Utah, USA find yeast molds and fungi with a toxin it produces can lead to diseased cells because the degree of acidity (pH) increases. By taking Noni juice, the situation can be overcome because Noni ( morinda ) helps regulate the body's pH balance, thus increasing the body's ability to absorb vitamins, minerals and proteins.

Set the Cycle of Moods (moods)

One of the capabilities possessed by scopoletin is able to bind serotonin. According to Drs. Harrison (DC.General Hospital, USA) scopoletin peneal glands may increase the activity present in the brain, which is where serotonin is produced and then used to produce the hormone melatonin. Serotonin is an important substance in the granules of blood (platelets) lining the human gastrointestinal tract and brain.

In the brain, serotonin acts as a neurotransmitter, the signal conductor of advice and precursor of the hormone melatonin. Serotonin and melatonin helps regulate some of the body such as sleep, body temperature regulation, mood (mood), puberty and egg production cycle, hunger and sexual behavior. Lack of serotonin in the body can lead to migraine, dizziness, depression, and even Alzheimer's disease.

Set the Cycle Energy Body

Dr. Harrison also reported that the body's energy frequency changes are also caused by the positive activities of Noni juice. Effects, among others; can stabilize blood sugar, reduces menstrual pain time, reducing the desire to urinate at night for men who experience swelling of the prostate.

According to Drs. Heinicke (biochemist from the U.S.), xeronine also play a role in the process of the body's energy cycle. He explained the mechanism as follows, xeronine will be absorbed in the space adjacent to the absorption of endorphin and act as a precursor hormone (co-hormone) to activate the receptor protein that gives a good feeling / comfort. As a result, people will feel comfortable and have a lot of energy after taking Noni juice.

Key Benefits

Research on Noni continues to grow, both conducted by the physician and botanist and biochemist. The study focused on the chemical contained komponen-komponen/susunan Noni and therapeutic effects against various diseases.

These studies show that Noni juice can stimulate the immune system, regulating cell function and regeneration of cells damaged tissue. The facts show that Noni can set the cells at the primary level and the tipping may explain why Noni can be used for a variety of health conditions.

Doctors in the United States already provides many reports of successful use of Noni juice to his patients. Dr. Richard Dicks (from New Jersey, USA) said, "we begin to realize that we must go back to the basics of our body. What is meant by metabolism in the body is burning nutrients. Noni juice protects the body by providing nutrients needed by the body. "

Additional efficacy

Noni has a property, other properties that have not been proven medically, but the empirical has a lot of people who experienced health improvements and increased after eating fruit extract. Some health problems can be overcome by using Noni:

   1. Digestive System: Flatulence, injury to the small intestine, stomach ulcers, vomiting and food poisoning.
   2. Respiratory system: cough, bronchitis, sore throat, tuberculosis, cholera, fever in infants, sinusitis, asthma.
   3. Cardiovascular System: high cholesterol, heart muscle thickening, increased transport of oxygen within the cell.
   4. Skin diseases: burns, wounds, scabies, boils, cellulite, skin worms, dandruff, ringworm, and inflammation of the skin, ulcers on the skin, and skin problems on the other.
   5. Mouth and throat: sore throat, bleeding gums, cough, mouth sores, toothache.
   6. Menstrual disorders: pre-menstrual syndrome, irregular menstrual cycles, pain during menstruation.
   7. Ageless: Noni juice can be used as a tonic to overcome the wrinkles caused by aging process.
   8. Diseases in the body: Diabetes, chronic hepatitis, pelvic pain, headaches, impaired renal function, bladder stones, disturbances in thyroid hormone.
   9. Immune deficiency: Disease Epstein-Barr virus, chronic candidiasis, a disease caused by HIV infection, lack of energy (AES = Altered energy syndrome).

Why is one type of plant can cure so many diseases?

Scientific research shows that the constituents in fruit Mengkudui have the efficacy to stimulate the formation of immune response, cleanses the blood, regulate cell function, regeneration of damaged cells and inhibit tumor growth. Phytochemicals (chemicals found naturally in plants) has efficacy for the prevention of disease and is rich in antioxidant content. Noni ( morinda ) has a very broad spectrum of phytochemicals, some of which are only found in Noni. The phytochemical phytochemical-synergy with each other to produce amazing healing properties.

Dr. Joseph Betz, chemical researchers from the FDA (Food and Drug Association) division of Natural Products Center For Good Safety and Applied Nutrition at the U.S. said that some experiments have shown that Noni juice can soothe muscle movement and have anti-allergic effects.

In 1992, Dr. Isabella Abbott, professor of botany at the University of Hawaii said that Noni more and more people use to cope with diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and many other diseases.

Raw eggs, Antioxidants rich Foods

Eggs identical with foods that cause a rise in cholesterol levels, egg calories and egg pritein. In fact, according to latest research, raw eggs contains high antioxidants. Raw egg so it can be said to be one type of food antioxidants.

The content of antioxidants in eggs from chickens fed wheat and corn are two times greater than the antioxidants in apples. In fact, two raw eggs antioxidant levels equivalent to 25 grams of cranberries. Powerful antioxidants in the eggs, among others, tryptophan, an amino acid, and tyrosine.

So far the antioxidants in eggs are already known are carotenoids, pigments that give yolks color to egg. However, scientists continue to explore other antioxidants present in the egg.

In previous research, the scientists found that the egg proteins modified by enzymes in the stomach and small intestine into peptides that act like ACE inhibitors, a drug prescribed to lower blood pressure.

The results were considered controversial because, as has been known to the public, egg consumption will increase blood pressure due to the high cholesterol content.

Not only that, the study also mentions that boiled or fried eggs will lose up to 50 percent antioxidant, even more so if matured in the microwave.

Eggs are nutritious and cheap food source. Eggs contained in proteins, vitamins, lipids, and minerals. As quoted from page kompas.com within the rubric of health (7 / 9).

But we must know that raw eggs also contain a risk of salmonella enteritidis bacteria, although not always. Salmonella is a bacteria that can cause poisoning in a food and gastro intestinal system disorders, especially typhoid and dysentery. especially typhoid and dysentery. especially for us who have a weak immune system and sensitive digestive disorder. So we choose which one? Raw eggs or other foods antioxidants?


7 an Alternative Substitute for Drinking water

Drinking water has benefits for maintaining body fluid balance and metabolic processes. After performing a physical activity that is draining sweat, we need liquid to replace lost fluids. Water is the best, but the body's fluid needs can be met by other sources.

Nancy Clark, author of Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook, said there are several alternatives to meet the body's need for fluids. As a benchmark that the body is hydrated enough to urinate every 2-4 hours.

1. Nonfat milk

According to Clark, hydrating body milk is better than energy drinks. More optimal sodium content. However, the fat content in milk may inhibit absorption so choose skim milk or low-fat to replace fluids quickly. Alternatively choose milk chocolate. Recent research shows that chocolate milk to recover stamina more quickly after exercise as well as sports drinks because of abortion is a combination of protein, carbohydrates, sodium, and antioxidants. So, its great drinking water substitute.

2. Chicken soup

Recipes are often used by people with the flu could actually replace lost body fluids. In one bowl of chicken soup contained 840 milligrams of sodium and 14 grams of carbohydrates. You can put it in a thermos so that it stays warm and delicious eaten after exercise in the morning.

3. Watermelon

Water is the first choice to replace fluids after exercising with high intensity. However, abortion is actually 92 percent water. Meanwhile, its competitors is the watermelon. In addition to water, in one cup of watermelon contains 12 grams of carbohydrates that will help the body absorb the fluid and 173 milligrams of potassium, which will work together with sodium to make the body stay hydrated.  So, its great drinking water substitute.

4. Salad

If you feel uncomfortable stomach directly consume plenty of water to drink, try mengasup salad. Lettuce is 90 percent water. Other green vegetables are also rich in water. You can mengombinasikannnya with protein sources like fish.

5. Rice

Rice is a good absorber fluid. Rice acted as a vehicle for water during the cooking process. Therefore, rice can be an alternative to liquid.

6. Soda

Yes, this is not a typo. Clark explains that caffeine, sugar, and water can be a drink after exercise.

7. Ice cream

Nothing wrong with ice cream outlets to stop after an intensive workout in the gym. Ideally, choose a mild version and one serving only. After a draining exercise, your body will get fluids from the ice cream frozen.

Luwak Coffee, The Most Expensive Coffee

luwak coffee
Luwak Coffee. Have you ever heard of Luwak(civet)coffee? for a coffee drinkers, would never know it. Civet coffee is coffee products that come from Indonesia. And now becoming known in many countries. as reported on kopiluwak.org, Kopi luwak coffee comes from the Indonesian Island of Java and Sumatra, an area well known for its excellent coffee. Also native to the area is a small civet-like animal called a Paradoxurus. That's the scientific name, the locals call them luwaks. These little mammals live in the trees and one of their favorite foods is the red, ripe coffee cherry. They eat the cherries , bean and all. While the bean is in the little guy's stomach, it undergoes chemical treatments and fermentations. The bean finishes its journey through the digestive system, and exits. The still-intact beans are collected from the forest floor, and are cleaned, then roasted and ground just like any other coffee.
civet eat coffee bean

One must wonder about the circumstances that brought about the first cup of Kopi Luwak coffee. Who would think to (or even want to) collect and roast beans out of animal feces? Perhaps a native figured it was easier to collect the beans from the ground this way, rather than having to work harder and pick them from the trees? We'll likely never know. But because of the strange method of collecting, there isn't much Kopi Luwak produced in the world. The resulting coffee is said to be like no other. It has rich, heavy flavor with hints of caramel or chocolate. Other terms used to describe it are earthy, musty and exotic. The body is almost syrupy and it's very smooth.

According to testimony several people, civet coffee has a flavor that is different from regular coffee. Many people like it because it does not cause a feeling of fullness and nausea if excessive drinking. And of course in Indonesia is still a debate over its feasibility, because the coffee bean is processed from civet Intestinal. but the wonder is this coffee had a high appreciation in the West. read also caffeine in coffee is healthy foods

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