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Showing posts with label Exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exercise. Show all posts
Exercise regularly can improve health and provide many positive effects on the body. However, exercise regularly also gives a strange physiological effect.
Exercise can provide many benefits for the body, such as helping to reduce or maintain weight, reduce the risk of dangerous diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and makes you more excited.
However, some people often feel the strange effects on the body after exercise, as reported by Livestrong, Saturday (17/12/2011).
1. Yawn
yawning often occurs when you're exercising. This usually occurs at the transition displacement when you rest and will re-starting the exercise.
Yawning can help prepare the body to challenge or energetic activity. Act of yawning cause physiological responses in the body that increases the body's respiration when oxygen levels disturbed. Excitement, anxiety and athletic competition may play a role in yawning, for example on Olympic athletes often yawns before competition.
2. Flatulence
Exercise can also cause abdominal bloating. According to Carolyn Nickol from the University of Cincinnati, panting or gulp air during exercise can lead to excess gas production, which eventually causes abdominal bloating. In addition, core exercises, like Pilates or yoga, can increase the pressure on your midsection. When you contract your abdominal muscles around the intestines, you may experience flatulence.
3. Burning sensation in the chest
running or doing abdominal exercises like sit-ups, can cause pain and heat in the chest. This happens because these types of exercises can move the food in your stomach to the esophagus, causing heartburn (a burning sensation in the chest) and acid reflux. This condition can be prevented by avoiding eating dairy products before exercise and give your body a chance to digest the food before exercising.
4. Runny nose
Exercise can cause physiological changes in the nervous system, making a runny nose, especially in people who experience rhinitis. Rhinitis is an inflammation in the nasal tissues is common among athletes. Temperature and humidity changes can cause dilated blood vessels in the nose, which allows secretion in nasal flow more freely. In addition, if you run or exercise outdoors, allergens in the environment can contribute to a runny nose.
5. Muscle cramps
Exercise can cause muscle cramps if you overuse a muscle or injure the muscle. Exercising when you are dehydrated can also cause your muscles to contract and eventually cramps, caused by too little water in the muscle. Unusual muscle cramps and can be prevented by stretching the muscles before exercise routine, and to drink water before exercise.
Next: Exercise and Mental Health
Benefits of Exercise
Exercise can provide many benefits for the body, such as helping to reduce or maintain weight, reduce the risk of dangerous diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and makes you more excited.
However, some people often feel the strange effects on the body after exercise, as reported by Livestrong, Saturday (17/12/2011).
1. Yawn
yawning often occurs when you're exercising. This usually occurs at the transition displacement when you rest and will re-starting the exercise.
Yawning can help prepare the body to challenge or energetic activity. Act of yawning cause physiological responses in the body that increases the body's respiration when oxygen levels disturbed. Excitement, anxiety and athletic competition may play a role in yawning, for example on Olympic athletes often yawns before competition.
2. Flatulence
Exercise can also cause abdominal bloating. According to Carolyn Nickol from the University of Cincinnati, panting or gulp air during exercise can lead to excess gas production, which eventually causes abdominal bloating. In addition, core exercises, like Pilates or yoga, can increase the pressure on your midsection. When you contract your abdominal muscles around the intestines, you may experience flatulence.
3. Burning sensation in the chest
running or doing abdominal exercises like sit-ups, can cause pain and heat in the chest. This happens because these types of exercises can move the food in your stomach to the esophagus, causing heartburn (a burning sensation in the chest) and acid reflux. This condition can be prevented by avoiding eating dairy products before exercise and give your body a chance to digest the food before exercising.
4. Runny nose
Exercise can cause physiological changes in the nervous system, making a runny nose, especially in people who experience rhinitis. Rhinitis is an inflammation in the nasal tissues is common among athletes. Temperature and humidity changes can cause dilated blood vessels in the nose, which allows secretion in nasal flow more freely. In addition, if you run or exercise outdoors, allergens in the environment can contribute to a runny nose.
5. Muscle cramps
Exercise can cause muscle cramps if you overuse a muscle or injure the muscle. Exercising when you are dehydrated can also cause your muscles to contract and eventually cramps, caused by too little water in the muscle. Unusual muscle cramps and can be prevented by stretching the muscles before exercise routine, and to drink water before exercise.
Next: Exercise and Mental Health
Benefits of Exercise

- Enhance your metabolism so you burn more calories every day, so it can be used for weight loss programs.
- Increase your aerobic capacity (fitness level). This provides the ability to live your day with relatively less energy (efficient).
- Maintain and strengthen your muscles. Exercise also increases your muscular endurance.
- Reduce your blood pressure.
- Increasing the oxidation (combustion and use) of fat.
- Increases HDL (good) cholesterol.
- Makes the heart pump more efficiently by increasing stroke volume.
- Increasing the concentration of hemoglobin in your blood. Hemoglobin is the part of red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs throughout the body.
- Reduce the tendency of blood to clot in blood vessels. This is important because small clots traveling in the blood are often the cause of heart attacks and strokes.
- Increases bone strength.
- Trigger the emergence of new blood vessels in the heart and other muscles.
- Enlarge the arteries that supply blood to the heart.
- Reduce blood levels of triglycerides (fats).
- Improving blood sugar control.
- Improve sleep patterns.
- Improving the efficiency of the digestive system that can reduce the incidence of colon cancer.
- Increasing the thickness of cartilage in joints which have a protective effect on joints.
- Reduce the risk of women developing endometriosis by 50%.
- Increase the amount of blood flow to the skin so it looks and feels healthier.
- Exercise, in addition to all the benefits of physiology and anatomy, makes you feel much fitter.

The results of cycling, especially the muscles will burn fat in a calf, thigh and hip. Cycling can burn about 300 calories to 700 calories per hour. So, it will be useful for you who want to lose weight. In addition, cycling can increase lung volume by 50% so that oxygen can be accommodated more.
For obese people, cycling is a sport that is recommended for cycling are relatively safe compared to most sports that require running or jumping. Conflicts caused by running or jumping can cause injury to the legs, waist, back for those who are obese due to excess weight makes impact even harder. Cycling is also good for those who have heart disease.
One reason for cycling into a sport that is interesting is because cycling can be one way of relaxation. Enjoying the scenery in a relaxed and merasakah wind gusts can be one means of recreation is refreshing. So you can physically fit plus the clarity of thought.
Cycling Tips
In order to gain the maximum benefit and avoid injury, several things must be considered, namely:
- Make sure the important parts of the bike such as brakes and tires in a safe condition so it will not interfere with travel or cause accidents.To avoid the risk of injury, do a little warming, especially to stretch the muscles of the bottom such as waist, thighs and calves.
- As an addition to safety while biking, you can mengguunakan pelidung equipment such as helmets, shoes, socks, gloves, glasses or other necessary equipment.
- When I started riding a bike, do it first with a slow speed for 5-10 minutes as a way to warm up and adjust a bicycle.
- When riding a bike, get your pedal one full turn.
- The speed recommended for health is 27 km / h and rotation of the wheel 70 revolutions per minute (rpm)
- Finished cycling, do cool down by pedaling slowly for about 10 minutes.
so, let's cycling to keep the body healthy and slim. and air to be clean with no pollution
Mental Health

There are several benefits of exercise program for our mental health:
1. Reduce Stress
every human being will not be able to escape from stress. Our lives are always surrounded by stress. many sources of stress are approaching towards us. so that the stress needs to be managed so as not to cause bad effects that make us worse off. can even go into depression. And one solution is to sports. recreational sports including forms that can distract us from our problems. Regular exercise can improve blood circulation to the brain, because the heart is working optimally to pump blood to the brain. the better supply of oxygen to the brain, the easier we achieve relaxation.
2. Optimize brain function
Exercise routines can improve the reaction, concentration, coordination, creativity and mental health. nerves to be stimulated and trained so as not to die quickly. this is because of brains get an adequate supply of oxygen to perform its functions optimally.
3. Increase secretion of Endogeneus opioids hormon.
In the wonders of the human body, scientists recently have discovered a hormone system that serves as the morphine-called endogenous opioids. It is enough to attract attention because its receptors found in the hypothalamus and limbic system of the brain, areas associated with emotion and human behavior.
Endogenous opioid system of hormones, one of which is beta-endorphin, not only reduce feelings of pain and gives strength to face cancer alone, but also adds memory, normalize appetite, sex, blood pressure and ventilation.
When exercising, the pituitary gland adding a product of beta-endorphin, and as a result of beta-endorphin concentration increased in the blood that are drawn also to the brain, thus reducing pain, anxiety, depression and feeling tired.
4. Stimulate alpha waves
Research shows that exercise, there is the addition of alpha waves in the brain. Alpha brain waves have long been known that associated with relaxed and relaxed as when meditating. Alpha waves are seen at a jog for 20 to 30 minutes, and can still be measured after the exercise ended.
The researchers suggested that increasing the power of alpha waves contribute to the psychological benefits of exercise, including reduced anxiety and depression.
5. slows aging
Recent studies prove that with only mild exercise such as walking can help the body prevent the decline in brain power in older women. The longer and the frequent activities of walking is done, then the sharpness of the mind also is getting better.
Best results will be obtained by moving the body each week for nine weeks. "The activity need not be too high intensity, simply by wandering around, the important resources we can increase cardiac pacemaker," said Landers. "But the benefits of memory we will always be sharp."
6. Enhance the feeling of happiness
Exercise can stimulate spending endorphins, serotonin, adrenaline and dopamine. these hormones are hormones that stimulate feelings of happiness.
A survey in England reported a 83% suffering from depression depends on the activity of sport in improving mood and reducing anxiety. Exercise regularly for 16 weeks in people who had higher levels of depression are getting happy effect.
Research at Duke University show that 60% of patients with depression who underwent 30 minutes of exercise three times a week for six months can fight the pain without having to use a medicine doctor. But for people with severe depression certainly can not simply escape from the drugs. It's just that many physicians are now incorporating sporting activities in addition to their prescription medication sedation
7. Increase confidence
Now that confidence can be achieved not just by relying on physical beauty again. A case study in the U.S. proves that teens are active in sports have the same levels of confidence strong with their friends who have a body and a beautiful appearance.
This self-consistency lies in the results they get, namely a healthy body image and excellent physical strength, not merely obsessed with vigorous exercise because of physical figure of the model on the cover of magazine
3. Increase secretion of Endogeneus opioids hormon.
In the wonders of the human body, scientists recently have discovered a hormone system that serves as the morphine-called endogenous opioids. It is enough to attract attention because its receptors found in the hypothalamus and limbic system of the brain, areas associated with emotion and human behavior.
Endogenous opioid system of hormones, one of which is beta-endorphin, not only reduce feelings of pain and gives strength to face cancer alone, but also adds memory, normalize appetite, sex, blood pressure and ventilation.
When exercising, the pituitary gland adding a product of beta-endorphin, and as a result of beta-endorphin concentration increased in the blood that are drawn also to the brain, thus reducing pain, anxiety, depression and feeling tired.
4. Stimulate alpha waves
Research shows that exercise, there is the addition of alpha waves in the brain. Alpha brain waves have long been known that associated with relaxed and relaxed as when meditating. Alpha waves are seen at a jog for 20 to 30 minutes, and can still be measured after the exercise ended.
The researchers suggested that increasing the power of alpha waves contribute to the psychological benefits of exercise, including reduced anxiety and depression.
5. slows aging
Recent studies prove that with only mild exercise such as walking can help the body prevent the decline in brain power in older women. The longer and the frequent activities of walking is done, then the sharpness of the mind also is getting better.
Best results will be obtained by moving the body each week for nine weeks. "The activity need not be too high intensity, simply by wandering around, the important resources we can increase cardiac pacemaker," said Landers. "But the benefits of memory we will always be sharp."
6. Enhance the feeling of happiness
Exercise can stimulate spending endorphins, serotonin, adrenaline and dopamine. these hormones are hormones that stimulate feelings of happiness.
A survey in England reported a 83% suffering from depression depends on the activity of sport in improving mood and reducing anxiety. Exercise regularly for 16 weeks in people who had higher levels of depression are getting happy effect.
Research at Duke University show that 60% of patients with depression who underwent 30 minutes of exercise three times a week for six months can fight the pain without having to use a medicine doctor. But for people with severe depression certainly can not simply escape from the drugs. It's just that many physicians are now incorporating sporting activities in addition to their prescription medication sedation
7. Increase confidence
Now that confidence can be achieved not just by relying on physical beauty again. A case study in the U.S. proves that teens are active in sports have the same levels of confidence strong with their friends who have a body and a beautiful appearance.
This self-consistency lies in the results they get, namely a healthy body image and excellent physical strength, not merely obsessed with vigorous exercise because of physical figure of the model on the cover of magazine
Diet and Nutrition,
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thigh fat |
The reason why these two are hard to reconcile is in our genetics. Our evolution designed our bodies to store fat in preparation for harder times. Those energy efficient bodies (that needed low energy to function) that could store the most energy (fat) had the best chances to survive. Food was not easy to get and life was physically intense. That is not the case anymore.
Circumstances around our lives changed but not our biological conditions. That means, for most of us, it is easier than ever for our bodies to store fat... including thighs. That is a problem.
Fat thighs makes many people, especially women, feel uneasy with their looks. Contrary to our ancestor's way of living, fat thighs is bad news. Science has shown over and over again that fat accumulation in any body area is bad for our health.
We can easily come across to many suggestions and procedures regarding how to reduce thighs. Still, that does not solve the problem, as so much information brings more confusion on how to start losing thigh fat.
For our action to be effective, we need to understand the basics. Let’s begin by knowing that we cannot lose thigh fat unless we lose overall body fat. Furthermore, no exercise will only make us lose thigh fat. Some types of exercise will help us tone thighs and others will stimulate overall body fat reduction.
From body fat to thigh fat
You might just want to get rid of thigh fat, but before you can do it, you need to know some facts. Start by understanding that getting fat stored in thighs is just like getting fat stored in any other body area. The body stores fat in the thighs or in any other body part when it gets more food (calories) than it needs. This is the same as saying the body is getting the wrong kind of food.
So, realize that if you have fat thighs, your body might be in potential danger too. It's time to think about proper nutrition. Eat as much as you want as long as you don’t eat more calories than you use up and as long as you get all the nutrients you need.
The second fact to learn is that a good nutrition works better if you exercise. The formula to memorize is 80% good nutrition and 20% cardio exercise. Exercises for thighs won't get you slimmer thighs, but will make them tone and tight.
Things won't happen overnight. Nutrition and exercise will help you lose body fat until one day you start losing thigh fat. This might seem like a lot of work… but it actually boils down to how many years do you want to live and what quality of living you want in those years.
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