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Effects on caffeine makes body slim?

Many people think that drinking coffee can support the diet program because effect on caffeine would reduce appetite. But whether drinking coffee can makes body slimer?. Caffeine in black coffee is one drink that can help increase metabolism. In addition to fat-free, black coffee (without sugar) is also free of calories that can play a role in weight loss.

Several studies have shown that the effect on caffeine in black coffee may act as an appetite suppressant, and only a short time. Thereby reducing  mood to eat, as reported by MayoClinic, Monday (01/08/2011).

Effect on Caffeine in coffee actually can dilate blood vessels and works to increase metabolism to burn fat. However, losing weight by drinking coffee is not a good solution.

The first reason, we can not measure how many cups of coffee should be drunk so that the fat burning process going effectively. Another reason, because there are side effects that can harm the body if you drink too much coffee. Actually caffeine in coffee is healthy foods if drink no more than 3 cups a day. even effects on caffeine can reduce symptoms of ADHD

Effect on Caffeine can increase acid production in gastric', thus causing damage gastric mucose. In addition, usually most people will add sugar when drinking coffee. This will give negatively affect in levels of glucose. And if too much drinking coffee can increase withdrawl symptoms of coffee

In addition, the influence of coffee to lose weight in reality do not apply to everyone. Correlations between coffee and weight loss have not been scientifically proven.

The most logical explanation is the sugar in a coffee can replace needs of the body's glucose. In some people, no impact to reduce appetite. Will be better exercise and exercise to lose weight.


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