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Raw eggs, Antioxidants rich Foods

Eggs identical with foods that cause a rise in cholesterol levels, egg calories and egg pritein. In fact, according to latest research, raw eggs contains high antioxidants. Raw egg so it can be said to be one type of food antioxidants.

The content of antioxidants in eggs from chickens fed wheat and corn are two times greater than the antioxidants in apples. In fact, two raw eggs antioxidant levels equivalent to 25 grams of cranberries. Powerful antioxidants in the eggs, among others, tryptophan, an amino acid, and tyrosine.

So far the antioxidants in eggs are already known are carotenoids, pigments that give yolks color to egg. However, scientists continue to explore other antioxidants present in the egg.

In previous research, the scientists found that the egg proteins modified by enzymes in the stomach and small intestine into peptides that act like ACE inhibitors, a drug prescribed to lower blood pressure.

The results were considered controversial because, as has been known to the public, egg consumption will increase blood pressure due to the high cholesterol content.

Not only that, the study also mentions that boiled or fried eggs will lose up to 50 percent antioxidant, even more so if matured in the microwave.

Eggs are nutritious and cheap food source. Eggs contained in proteins, vitamins, lipids, and minerals. As quoted from page kompas.com within the rubric of health (7 / 9).

But we must know that raw eggs also contain a risk of salmonella enteritidis bacteria, although not always. Salmonella is a bacteria that can cause poisoning in a food and gastro intestinal system disorders, especially typhoid and dysentery. especially typhoid and dysentery. especially for us who have a weak immune system and sensitive digestive disorder. So we choose which one? Raw eggs or other foods antioxidants?


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