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Showing posts with label Herbal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Herbal. Show all posts

Top List of Herbal Colon Cleanse

herbal colon cleanse
A clean colon is loaded for free from the disease by increasing the power of digestion, removing toxins from your system and improve digestion and gastrointestinal colony. Natural laxative properties of herbs can cleanse the colon and herbal colon cleanse edit your pain without a doctor's prescription.

One of the most popular herbs are Flaxseed, natural healing are used by adults and children. Flaxseed is not vitamins or minerals. Contains soluble fiber - the part of plant foods was not able to digest - which helps in stimulating the digestive tract and promote bowel movements. Flaxseed also helps relieve symptoms associated with constipation and is also often used as a remedy for menopausal symptoms. Flaxseed is well tolerated and has few, if any, side effects.

Psyllium husk is a natural herb that is commonly used by adults in the United States That Is. Psyllium helps relieve the irritation of the bowel and soothe intestinal discomfort. Psyllium husk has an oily texture It softens the stool and reduce the symptoms associated with constipation. Along with other natural herbs, psyllium reduce bloating in the abdomen and relieve pain and discomfort caused by irritable bowel syndrome.

Chamomile is one of the most popular herbal colon cleanse that helps to relieve stomach cramps, nausea, diarrhea, and flatulence in children and adults. Chamomile is also used to treat digestive disorders and gastrointestinal irritation.

National Center for Complementary Alternative Medicine That explains aloe vera is a tropical plant that has been used as an oral laxative for several centuries. Aloe vera is the herb, a natural safe That Pls use in colon cleansing products, reduce pain and bloating associated with irritable bowl syndrome for most patients. Characteristics laxative aloe vera comes from latex, the liquid in the bitter leaves of plants.

Cascara Sagrada is a herb that comes from the bark of trees. Cascara Sagrada, used in herbal products Colon Cleanse is a natural herb that works like a powerful laxative to promote regular bowel movements. Cascara sagrada is also known to reduce levels of potassium and sodium.

Turmeric is a member of the ginger family. Turmeric is used in Colon Cleanse Herbal products to ward off stomach pains caused by inflammation, spasm or obstruction of the stomach or digestive tract. Magnesium oxide is an important ingredient in colon cleansing products Because it can introduce bacteria into your system. Hydrochloric acid is used to reduce constipation. Hydrochloric acid containing peptides That Work by breaking down proteins in the colon and eliminates toxins may be harmful. So lets use herbal colon cleanse.

Herbs as Complementary Treatment of Lupus

red fruit one of herbal and natural remedies
Herbs are the natural remedies good for health and can be proven scientifically. But you dont believe if there is a claim that the herb could cure lupus disease without medical treatment. Prioritizing medical treatment, herbal only alternative if other efforts failed.

One of the herbs that are offered on People With Lupus (Odapus) is a red fruit (Pandanus conodius) from Papua. From generation to generation, this fruit has been consumed by the people of Papua and shown to improve immunity.

Nutrition in the red fruit is beneficial for the body because it is dominated by fatty acids and antioxidants that are useful for protecting cells from damage. Various types of antioxidants in red fruit such as beta carotene, vitamin C, E, and A.

Benefits of red fruit for the body also recognized by the medical specialist in internal medicine from the University of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Zubairi Djoerban, SpPD-KHOM. He also does not forbid if Odapus want to eat them as a Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) or alternative medicine.

However, he asserts, the use of herbs such as red fruit is not a problem. But do not abandon medical treatment. Alternative medicine is used only as a complement, or it could also be a solution if the disease is completely unable to be medically treated.

"As a fruit, I agree 100 percent that the red fruit is very useful. But to treat lupus, you need scientific proof," said Prof. Zubairi while speaking in a seminar on "Lupus Update" in the RS Kramat 128, Jakarta, Friday (10/12/2010 ).

Prof. Zubairi said that it is impossible to cure various diseases with just one drug. Moreover, Lupus is an autoimmune disorder that can affect any body part, so that there can be no single type of herb that can cure everything.

"In this world there can be no magic bullet (one cure for all diseases). Just need a combination of modern medicine, so it is not possible red fruit can overcome everything alone," added Prof. Zubairi.

The same opinion is also the Chairman of the Lupus Foundation of Indonesia (YLI), Tiara Savitri. Tiara which is the younger brother of veteran actor Donny Damara and also a odapus even suggested not to mix modern medicine with alternative treatment before any positive developments on the disease.

"Do not be combined before the disease actually improved.'ll Even find out where the real confusion berkasiat, modern or alternative medicine," said Tiara has ever felt alone how Lupus almost took his life.
red fruit one of herbal and natural remedies
Herbs are the natural remedies good for health and can be proven scientifically. But you dont believe if there is a claim that the herb could cure lupus disease without medical treatment. Prioritizing medical treatment, herbal only alternative if other efforts failed.

One of the herbs that are offered on People With Lupus (Odapus) is a red fruit (Pandanus conodius) from Papua. From generation to generation, this fruit has been consumed by the people of Papua and shown to improve immunity.

Nutrition in the red fruit is beneficial for the body because it is dominated by fatty acids and antioxidants that are useful for protecting cells from damage. Various types of antioxidants in red fruit such as beta carotene, vitamin C, E, and A.

Benefits of red fruit for the body also recognized by the medical specialist in internal medicine from the University of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Zubairi Djoerban, SpPD-KHOM. He also does not forbid if Odapus want to eat them as a Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) or alternative medicine.

However, he asserts, the use of herbs such as red fruit is not a problem. But do not abandon medical treatment. Alternative medicine is used only as a complement, or it could also be a solution if the disease is completely unable to be medically treated.

"As a fruit, I agree 100 percent that the red fruit is very useful. But to treat lupus, you need scientific proof," said Prof. Zubairi while speaking in a seminar on "Lupus Update" in the RS Kramat 128, Jakarta, Friday (10/12/2010 ).

Prof. Zubairi said that it is impossible to cure various diseases with just one drug. Moreover, Lupus is an autoimmune disorder that can affect any body part, so that there can be no single type of herb that can cure everything.

"In this world there can be no magic bullet (one cure for all diseases). Just need a combination of modern medicine, so it is not possible red fruit can overcome everything alone," added Prof. Zubairi.

The same opinion is also the Chairman of the Lupus Foundation of Indonesia (YLI), Tiara Savitri. Tiara which is the younger brother of veteran actor Donny Damara and also a odapus even suggested not to mix modern medicine with alternative treatment before any positive developments on the disease.

"Do not be combined before the disease actually improved.'ll Even find out where the real confusion berkasiat, modern or alternative medicine," said Tiara has ever felt alone how Lupus almost took his life.

Green Tea Cure Hair Loss

green tea one of herbal and natural remedies
The problem of hair loss can be experienced by anyone, if not prevented properly can cause baldness. But hair loss can be stopped by consuming green tea. Green tea is a part of herbal and natural remedies are good and many people enjoy.

During this time, green tea is known to have benefits for weight loss, prevent cancer and diabetes, 'enhance' the immune system and eliminate bad breath. But green tea can also increase hair growth and hair health.

Hair growth is influenced by a cycle and several studies found that green tea has a positive impact on these hair cycle. There are several ways that suggested that green tea can help growth, prevent and stop hair loss, as quoted from Lifemojo, Tuesday (05/07/2011), namely:

1. Inhibiting DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)
The study found that the main cause of hair loss is DHT, and the sensitivity of follicles to DHT can cause baldness. Green tea is thought to be a DHT inhibitor, because it increases levels of sex hormone binding globulin (sex hormone binding globulin / SBHG) which interacts with testosterone so as to prevent the formation of DHT.

2. Increases blood circulation to hair follicles
Green tea contains catechin polyphenols which is one of the essential molecules. In some studies of these substances can trigger the relaxation of the microcapillary blood circulation system in the hair follicle.

3. Stimulates hair growth
Saitama Cancer Center Research Institute in Japan and Seoul National University College of Medicine found positive evidence of the compound epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). Studies in laboratory found that the better hair growth and follicle becomes longer if given EGCG.

4. Strengthen and moisturize hair
Some of the ingredients in green tea can be beneficial to the hair. The content of vitamin E can rejuvenate dry or damaged hair, vitamin C can protect hair from UV radiation damage and panthenol (provitamin) can increase hair strength and make it so gently so as not to fall off easily.

Consuming green tea twice a day proved to be beneficial to overall health, including making the hair strong and healthy so as to prevent and stop hair loss.


Where to find dragon fruit

dragon berry fruit
Where to find dragon fruit?. Today, dragon fruit plants have been easily found.  Dragon fruit was first discovered in Mexico. In Mexico, dragon fruit that is considered to be nothing special. However, after being taken to Vietnam, a dragon fruit plant is widely cultivated and grown in Southeast Asia. Dragon fruit has a different shape and distinctive than other fruits. So the added excellence of this fruit.

Ancient China Society considers the dragon fruit is more than just fruit with a variety of benefits. Dragon fruit is often a companion of two statues on the altar of worship. Every Lunar New Year celebrations this fruit is also served, and became one of the dishes that must exist, because it is believed to bring blessings.

Dragon fruit in Vietnam is often called Thanh Long or clever dragon while the Chinese call the Long Feuy Kwa. In Mexico, known as dragon fruit Pitahaya.

Dragon fruit has a light skin color, skin is not smooth, but plated. scales that looked like a snake or dragon. The contents of the fruit are white, red or purple with black seeds that spread. Texture has flavors like kiwi fruit.

Agricultural Research Agency of the Republic of Indonesia said that the dragon berry fruit give many health benefits, can lower cholesterol levels, glucose balance, kidney function and strengthens bones, and improve brain function. The phytochemical substances in these fruits can reduce the risk of cancer.

Dragon fruit is also very good for the cardiovascular system. The fruit is very effective for reducing emotional stress and neutralize toxins in the blood (detoxification). Dragon berry fruit contains rich nutritional value, such as 80 percent water, vitamin C, fiber, calcium, iron, and phosphorus are useful for lowering blood pressure. Dragon fruit is also very useful in the digestive system and lowers cholesterol levels. If you want to avoid the various diseases, there is no harm if you eat a dragon fruit from now on

herbal supplements weaken effects of chemotherapy

Some herbal supplements such as acai berry, Cumin, Herbal Tea, Turmeric, Garlic is believed give benefit for health. But if you're doing chemotherapy, you better put off taking the herbal. Because herbal supplements can weaken the effects of chemotherapy.

"Many people do not understands that supplements is not vitamins and can reduce the effectiveness of medical therapy if not consumed appropriately," said M. June McKoy, MD, a geriatrician at Northwestern Memorial Hospital was quoted as saying esciencenews, Friday (19/08/2011).

Researchers say there is evidence that these popular supplements may weaken the effects of chemotherapy and can cause reactions in some cases, even deadly.

McKoy said that more research is needed to understand the interaction of supplements with chemotherapy drugs and how these interactions.

"Patients should tell doctors about drugs that they consume, including vitamins and supplements to avoid potential interactions," said McKoy (director of geriatric oncology) to Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University.

Herbal supplements are defined as plants used for herbal therapeutic and natural remedies and may interact with chemotherapy drugs through different mechanisms.

Unfortunately, some herbs actually can interfere metabolism of drug, making it less effective, while other herbs can increase the risk of bleeding during surgery. Consumption during the long periods of time when going through chemotherapy may have negative effects on the body .

Recent research shows that 50 percent of patients who is doing chemotherapy do not tell doctors that they are doing alternative therapies. "Some patients think it was not important, while others feel uncomfortable if admitted to the doctor that they do alternative therapies," said McKoy.

McKoy asked to patients to stop taking herbal supplements while receiving chemotherapy until known interactions with medications. He suggested to the patients who are interested in alternative approaches, to talk to your doctor about other approaches that might be useful.

"Integrative medicine therapies such as massage, acupuncture and meditation can meet a needs of patients by reducing stress and pain," said Melinda Ring, MD, medical director of Northwestern Memorial Physicians Group's Center for Integrative Medicine and Wellness.

so, you should consult to your doctor if you want to use herbal supplements while you are doing chemotherapy.

Actually, herbal supplements may be an good option for your health to prevention. But if you want to cure cancer, you better choose to do modern medications therapy or herbal therapy. Dont do that simultaneously without consultation to your doctor.


Dragon berry Fruit benefits

Dragon berry Fruit benefits. Dragon berry fruit has benefits for health such as balancing glucose levels, protective oral health, prevention of colon cancer, reduce cholesterol, preventing bleeding and treating vaginal discharge.

how to eat dragon fruit?. dragon fruit has a distinctive shape, has a rather thick skin. and has seeds that spread throughout the fruit flesh. Dragon berry fruit is usually consumed as fresh fruit to relieve thirst, because the dragon fruits contain high water kada about 90% by weight of fruit. dragon fruit has a sweet taste because it contains glucose reaches 13-18 briks. Dragon fruit can also be served in the form of juice, sweets, jam or various forms of processed according to what you want.

According to AL Leong from Johncola Pitaya Food R & D organizations 'researching' the red dragon fruit, dragon berry fruit rich nutritional value in various vitamins and mineral substances which greatly helps improve immunity and beneficial for metabolism.

"Research shows the red dragon fruit is excellent for the cardiovascular system, also maintain emotional stability and detoxification." Research also shows this fruit can prevent colon cancer, lowers high cholesterol, "he said.

Overall, each of the red dragon fruit contain adequate protein that can increase metabolism and maintain cardiovascular function; fiber (to prevent colon cancer, diabetes and diet); carotene (eye health, strengthen the brain and increase immunity), calcium (bone strengthening).

Dragon fruit also contains FE to increase level of hemoglobin; vitamin B1 (prevent fever), vitamin B2 (add to taste), vitamin B3 (lowers cholesterol) and vitamin C (to maintain healthy skin and prevent acne).

Here is a complete nutritional of the dragon fruit:

Sugar content: 13-18 briks
Water: 90%
Carbohydrates: 11.5 g
Acid: 0.139 g
Protein: 0.53 g
Fiber: 0.71 g
Calcium: 134.5 mg
Phosphorus: 8.7 mg
Magnesium: 60.4 mg
Vitamin C: 9.4 mg


Herbal and Natural Remedies for Cancer

herbal and natural remedies gods crown
If your family is suffering cancer,  herbal and natural remedies can be a solution other beside modern medicine. Herbal and natural remedies effectively treat cancer without pain and cheaper? Is it possible? The answer is YES & MAYBE!

Several types of herbs known as cancer drugs, among others: rodent tuber (Typhonium Flagelliforme), gods crown (Phaleria macrocarpa) , Curcuma zedoaria, parasite tea (Dendrophthoe Pentandra) , red fruit, etc.. In my country Indonesia, this types of herbs are still easy to get it.

The main role of these herbs is to increase immunity. in addition to localizing the cancer cells, so that no metastases and easier to remove. Because herbs are natural and not chemical, herbal and natural remedies have the advantage of not causing damage to healthy body tissues and safe for consumption (even in the long run). It is also cheaper.

Along with the promotions for the back to nature, the medical community is now too often 'recommend' the use of natural herbal remedies for cancer as a complementary therapy to the healing process of chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery.

To be effective, the use of herbal and natural remedies for cancer must be accompanied by a healthy diet and free stress. Avoiding the consumption of fatty foods that are fried or baked. also the consumption of fruits and vegetables will help the healing process.

Herbal and natural remedies give benefits and usefulness for people who suffer from cancer. But many people who do not know the medicinal plants that exist around them. And do not know how to mixes

As an alternative, now has available a variety of products herbalist or herb blend of single products with different brands on the market.

how to tips for choosing a quality herbal products and reliable?

The following tips are helpful for those who are looking for quality cancer Herbs:
  • Composition: What types of medicinal plants that exist in the product
  • Packaging: whether hyegenis & correct the manufacturing process.
  • Old products on the market: the longer the product on the market is usually the more tried and tested quality
  • Testimony users: the number of testimony increasing confidence about the quality of the product
  • Company or herbalist: how their reputation
  • Its products are registered and are not illegal

Natural and herbal remedies for blood pressure,

Herbal and natural remedies for blood pressure, has been a concern for many people. To control blood pressure, generally using chemical drugs every day. However, these therapies are often unpopular with patients. In addition to boring and the price is relatively expensive, the consumption of drugs in the long run make people afraid of side effects. Alternative treatments with herbal and natlural remedies be an option some people to treat hypertension.

Herbal and natural remedies have been recognized medical community for treating hypertensive disorders. This therapy uses a medicinal plant that has been medically proven to have a function as an antihypertensive drug.

With proper usage and correct, the content of herbal medicines in plants could help the process of controlling blood pressure. The content of herbal medicine into the factors that work synergistically balanced and in harmony with the chemical drugs. But experts have confidence in naturopathy, herbal medicine benefits not inferior to chemical drugs. In fact there are advantages, because herbal therapies have minimal side effects.

Herbal remedies for blood pressure:


Onions including beneficial herb that is known to overcome the entire cardiovascular system including blood pressure. Blood pressure (diastolic number) decreased only by eating three cloves of garlic every day for three months. In the Garlic also contains compounds that can flex adenosine blood vessels so blood flows more smoothly.

Noni (Morinda citrifolia)

The content of scopoletin in Noni fruit can lower high blood pressure. Preklinisnya trials have been conducted by the Department of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia on noni pill form. Noni is usually consumed in juice form, but is now also available in pill form. for detail read more benefits of noni morinda and noni juice, juice benefits


These plants contain active compounds apigenin. This compound serves as a calcium antagonist and a diuretic mannitol identical. In addition in the form of supplements, celery is also good consumed in the form of juice.

Onion / onion

The essential oil on the onion is considered most effective for lowering blood pressure.


Amino acid content of Gamma-amino butyric (GABA) on tomato beneficial lowering blood pressure.


Star fruit are rich in fiber that will bind to fat and impact on not gaining weight, cause of hypertension. Carambola is rich in water and contain potassium, which are diuretics, so that excess salt can be removed from the body through urine.


Airlangga University conducted a study of cucumber, cucumber proven to reduce blood pressure. Water content reaches 90% in cucumber, as well as high potassium will remove salt from the body.


Wine should be eaten with the seeds. Given in grape seed polyphenols are compounds that can dilate the blood vessels so that blood pressure improves. Grapes also contain vitamin E, flavonoids, linoleic acid and suspected prosianidin can help balance blood pressure.

This is some kind of herbs that are useful to serve as a natural and herbal remedies for lower blood pressure. This only partially, and we can get it easily. there are many more types of medicinal plants are effective for lowering blood pressure. It was amazing. Ok, Let's  go back to natural healthy lifestyle!!


Noni Juice, Juice Benefits

Noni juice has many benefits to maintaining the health of our bodies. We have explained benefits of noni to the previous post. If you have not read it, you can read more about benefits of noni.  Noni is one form of herbal and natural remedies.

There have been many studies that prove that noni has broad benefits for health. And Now, many people are interested in "cultivating" Noni and doing mass production to create products noni, which is easy to be consumed. because we was known that the Noni fruit known as fruit that have the bad smell and bad taste. many people do not like the smell of noni, how people will eat it? while, noni contain many benefits that we will surely need it as one solution to solve our health problems or to maintain our health.

One good way for us to consume noni, that we may eat it in the form of noni juice. And we're going to get optimal benefits. if you do not have a problem with the smell of Noni and also taste, you better looking for noni fruit is still fresh, and consume immediately. You can also create your own noni juice at home. You can also mix it with honey or other fruit to reduce the smell. You can adjust to your taste. drink regularly! then get a lot of benefits for your health.

But if you have difficulty to get the noni fruit, one way in order to can enjoy the benefits of noni juice is to buy "noni juice products" that are packaged in form drink and capsules . You will not difficulty to get it because many manufacturers that provide and market a noni juice or in form supplement. So, what are you waiting for? Let the consumption of noni juice regularly!. and get healthy benefits to increase your life quality.
And I am promoting to you, Healthy is infestation. so give your time and money to get natural healthy! go back to nature!and makes your world like in heaven!. Good Luck.

Benefits of Noni (morinda)

For people in Indonesia, a noni plant or Morinda citrifolia usually seen in the villages. even growing wild. not many people know about the benefits of noni ( morinda ). Besides that, many people do not like the noni fruit to taste and smell unpleasant. If we know the benefits of the noni fruit ( morinda ), we would be surprised. In fact, the noni fruit does not prefferred this, noni as herbal and natural remedies can provide many benefits to our health. Noni ( morinda ) is one of the many types of herbal are amazing. Many people consume noni juice to get health benefits. In the market also already in form suplement or juice packaging.

As reported in the pages deherbal.com quoting from the book Healthy With Noni, author Mary Goreti Waha, STP. Medical research on Noni ( morinda )or Noni started at least 1950, when the scientific journal Science reported that Pacific Noni fruit showed anti-bacterial properties against M. pyrogenes, P. Aeruginosa, and even E. coli are deadly.

Studies and research on Noni ( morinda ) continues to be done by various research institutes and universities. Since 1972, Dr. Ralph Heinicke, renowned biochemist from the United States began to conduct research on the alkaloid xeronine of the enzyme bromelain (an enzyme in pineapple). He later discovered that the Noni fruit also contains xeronine and precursor (proxeronine) in large numbers. Xeronine is one of the important substances that regulate the function of proteins and specific cells of the human body.

In 1993, the journal Cancer Letter reported that some researchers from Keio University and The Institute of Biomedical Sciences in Japan who do research on 500 species of plant claimed that they found anti-cancer substances (damnacanthal) contained in Noni ( morinda ).

Leading research institutions in France, the Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Taiwan, Austria, Canada, and even the National Academy of Sciences, a center of scientific study of national prestigious in the United States has conducted various research on Noni ( morinda ). Meanwhile, researchers at the University of Hawaii has also done much research on Noni ( morinda ), including research on the activities of anti-tumor and anti-cancer Morinda citrifolia published in a scientific journal (Proc, West Pharmacology Society Journal, vol, 37, 1994).

A survey conducted by Dr. Neil Solomon of the 8000 users Noni juice (Tahitian Noni) involving 40 doctors and other medical practitioners indicates that Noni juice to help restore a number of diseases, such as: cancer, heart disease, digestive disorders, diabetes, stroke, and a number of other diseases that shown in the following table.

∑ Patient
% Helped
Heart disease
Diabetes, tipe 1&2
7 931
Decreased Libido
Penguatan otot
Gastrointestinal problem
Respiratory problem
Concentration disorder
Mental Stability
Renal disease

Research conducted by Dr. Neil Solomon above focuses on TAHITIAN NONI ™ Juice contains 89% Noni juice, because it is the most widely consumed at the time. Because it must be if the study used 100% Noni Juice is working power of his Noni Juice will be much stronger, so the likely amount of "percentage who helped" by Noni will be much higher.

Through intensive research conducted by scientists at the laboratory, demonstrated the superiority of the outer Noni biasa.Tanaman contains various vitamins, minerals and enzymes, alkaloids, co-factors and plant sterols that occur naturally. In addition, leaves and roots intact Noni ( morinda ) contains amino acids which are the main protein source.

Noni fruit water content of about 52 percent. Several studies have been conducted to determine what elements are contained in Noni. Studies and research has shown the presence of substances of interest in Noni juice, although not all identified. New in 1993, a researcher (Helen Sim), the master's thesis entitled The Isolation and Characterization of a Fluorescent Compound From The Fruit of Morinda citrifolia: Studies on 5-HT Receptor System reported the existence of substances in the Noni fruit that is not known by him or his friends. Most of these substances related to health and has been demonstrated only in the Noni fruit.

The following are other benefits of Noni fruit that have been scientifically proven.

Increase Endurance Body

Clinical investigations conducted by Dr. Schechter (Institute of Natural Medicine in California) yield important data about the ability of Noni juice, which stimulate the production of such T cells in the immune system (T cells play an important role in fighting the disease); strengthen the immune system, especially macrofaset and lymphocytes from the cell white blood; showed anti-bacterial effect; have the effect of anti-pain / pain (analgesic); inhibits cell growth of pre-cancer / tumor that is the ability to normalize the function of abnormal cells.

Mona Harrison, MD of Boston University School of Medicine and medical director of the DC General Hospital, USA reported that Noni increases the function of the thyroid gland and thymus gland, which is believed to act against infections and problems associated with the immune system.

Normalize Blood Pressure

According to Neil Solomon, MD.PhD, health problems of American researchers reported that the Noni fruit contains a type of phytonutrients, namely scopoletin which serves to widen the blood vessels that are narrowed. This causes the heart does not have to work too hard to pump blood, so blood pressure became normal.

The results of tests on animals showed that scopoletin lowers high blood pressure and normal to low (hypotension, abnormal). However, scopoletin contained in Noni fruit can interact synergistically with nutraceuticals (functional foods for treatment) to regulate high blood pressure became normal, but not lower blood pressure is already normal. Never found a case where the blood pressure down to normal resulting in low blood pressure (hypotension).

Experts from Stanford University, University of Hawaii, University of California (UCLA), Union College of London, University of Meets in France who has studied the Noni plant is agreed that the role lower blood pressure in many cases.

Simple clinical trial conducted by Scott Gerson, MD (from Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York) shows that many users Mengkudu reported that their blood pressure becomes high when stopped drinking Noni juice and return to normal when taking Noni juice on a regular basis .

Against Tumor and Cancer

An interesting paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association fin. Cancer Research 83rd in San Diego, California, 1992 is "Anti-tumor activity of Morinda citrifolia on Lewis Lung Carcinoma in the mouse injected." In this study, rats were given an injection of Lewis Lung Carcinoma (a type of cancer). All mice that did not get the care with Noni ( morinda ) die within 9-12 days due to cancer. While rats treated with Noni ( morinda ) able to survive 105 to 123 percent longer (40 percent of experimental mice live up to 50 days or more). The study was repeated several times and each time Mengkudu proven to significantly extend the life-aged rats exposed to cancer compared with rats not treated with Noni ( morinda ). In summary, the results of this study revealed that Noni can inhibit tumor growth.

A year later the journal Cancer Letters (vol.3, 1993) reported the discovery of anti-cancer agent / damnacanthal in the Noni ( morinda ) extract capable of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

There are some cases of cancer patients who consumed Noni fruit juice and be cured, among other cases, patients of Dr.. Harrison (DC General Hospital), who suffered from liver cancer and stomach swelling caused by excess fluid. During the 7 days taking Noni juice, swelling in the stomach is reduced significantly. Haru stomach fluids testing showed that cancer cells have disappeared.

According to Drs. Judah Folkman of Harvard University, Noni works synergistically with other micronutrients in menghamhat blood flow to the tumor cells. The mechanism is similar to squalen oil (from shark liver) that control brain tumor growth and prolong experimental mice by destroying the means of circulation of the blood supply to the tumor cells.

Eliminate Pain

The ability of Noni fruit has been known as an analgesic agent in the history of traditional medicine, so this plant is called a "painkiller tree" or "headache tree". Scientific research has proven beneficial effects of Noni to cope with the pain. In 1990, researchers found a significant relationship between dose of Noni juice extract with analgesic activity of rats (generally, the more widely used analgesic effect will be stronger).

Many theories that explain how the mechanisms work Noni ( morinda ) relieve pain. One is the theory of Dr.. Ralph Heinicke (renowned biochemist from the U.S.) who said that xeronine who play a role in relieving the pain. This is associated with the ability to normalize protein xeronine in abnormal cells, including cells of brain tissue, from which he came the pain.

Some cases of chronic pain such as headaches constantly, muscle soreness and joint pain nerves healed after taking Noni juice.

Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic

The compound scopoletin (hydroxy-methoxy-coumarin) is very effective as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic. Medical literature reported the successful treatment of arthritis, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and allergies by using scopoletin. Bryant Bloss, MD, an orthopedist from Indiana, the U.S. reported the success of Noni juice cure back pain that caused also 15 people and patients. Meanwhile, the 8 patients reported knee pain (osteoarthritis) almost does not feel taking Noni juice. Three of his patients. Bloss who suffer from asthma progress with the reduction in cough. Some patients with arthritis also begins to experience the real progress after drinking Noni juice. She offers Noni juice as food additives / supplements and not as a drug to the patient.


The results are published darn Pacific journal Science (vol 1.4, 1950) reported that Noni ( morinda ) contains anti-bacterial ingredients that can be used to treat heart disease and digestive problems. Antraquinon that many compounds found in Noni roots turned out to be against Staphylococcus bacteria that cause infections of the heart and the Shigella bacteria that cause dysentery.

Noni ( morinda ) is anti-bacterial against: Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Proteus morganii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella montevdleo, schotmuelleri Salmonella, Salmonella typhi, Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella flexnerii, Shigella paraciysenteriae BH und III-Z, Staphylococcus aureus.

Dr. Robert Young, microbiologist from Utah, USA find yeast molds and fungi with a toxin it produces can lead to diseased cells because the degree of acidity (pH) increases. By taking Noni juice, the situation can be overcome because Noni ( morinda ) helps regulate the body's pH balance, thus increasing the body's ability to absorb vitamins, minerals and proteins.

Set the Cycle of Moods (moods)

One of the capabilities possessed by scopoletin is able to bind serotonin. According to Drs. Harrison (DC.General Hospital, USA) scopoletin peneal glands may increase the activity present in the brain, which is where serotonin is produced and then used to produce the hormone melatonin. Serotonin is an important substance in the granules of blood (platelets) lining the human gastrointestinal tract and brain.

In the brain, serotonin acts as a neurotransmitter, the signal conductor of advice and precursor of the hormone melatonin. Serotonin and melatonin helps regulate some of the body such as sleep, body temperature regulation, mood (mood), puberty and egg production cycle, hunger and sexual behavior. Lack of serotonin in the body can lead to migraine, dizziness, depression, and even Alzheimer's disease.

Set the Cycle Energy Body

Dr. Harrison also reported that the body's energy frequency changes are also caused by the positive activities of Noni juice. Effects, among others; can stabilize blood sugar, reduces menstrual pain time, reducing the desire to urinate at night for men who experience swelling of the prostate.

According to Drs. Heinicke (biochemist from the U.S.), xeronine also play a role in the process of the body's energy cycle. He explained the mechanism as follows, xeronine will be absorbed in the space adjacent to the absorption of endorphin and act as a precursor hormone (co-hormone) to activate the receptor protein that gives a good feeling / comfort. As a result, people will feel comfortable and have a lot of energy after taking Noni juice.

Key Benefits

Research on Noni continues to grow, both conducted by the physician and botanist and biochemist. The study focused on the chemical contained komponen-komponen/susunan Noni and therapeutic effects against various diseases.

These studies show that Noni juice can stimulate the immune system, regulating cell function and regeneration of cells damaged tissue. The facts show that Noni can set the cells at the primary level and the tipping may explain why Noni can be used for a variety of health conditions.

Doctors in the United States already provides many reports of successful use of Noni juice to his patients. Dr. Richard Dicks (from New Jersey, USA) said, "we begin to realize that we must go back to the basics of our body. What is meant by metabolism in the body is burning nutrients. Noni juice protects the body by providing nutrients needed by the body. "

Additional efficacy

Noni has a property, other properties that have not been proven medically, but the empirical has a lot of people who experienced health improvements and increased after eating fruit extract. Some health problems can be overcome by using Noni:

   1. Digestive System: Flatulence, injury to the small intestine, stomach ulcers, vomiting and food poisoning.
   2. Respiratory system: cough, bronchitis, sore throat, tuberculosis, cholera, fever in infants, sinusitis, asthma.
   3. Cardiovascular System: high cholesterol, heart muscle thickening, increased transport of oxygen within the cell.
   4. Skin diseases: burns, wounds, scabies, boils, cellulite, skin worms, dandruff, ringworm, and inflammation of the skin, ulcers on the skin, and skin problems on the other.
   5. Mouth and throat: sore throat, bleeding gums, cough, mouth sores, toothache.
   6. Menstrual disorders: pre-menstrual syndrome, irregular menstrual cycles, pain during menstruation.
   7. Ageless: Noni juice can be used as a tonic to overcome the wrinkles caused by aging process.
   8. Diseases in the body: Diabetes, chronic hepatitis, pelvic pain, headaches, impaired renal function, bladder stones, disturbances in thyroid hormone.
   9. Immune deficiency: Disease Epstein-Barr virus, chronic candidiasis, a disease caused by HIV infection, lack of energy (AES = Altered energy syndrome).

Why is one type of plant can cure so many diseases?

Scientific research shows that the constituents in fruit Mengkudui have the efficacy to stimulate the formation of immune response, cleanses the blood, regulate cell function, regeneration of damaged cells and inhibit tumor growth. Phytochemicals (chemicals found naturally in plants) has efficacy for the prevention of disease and is rich in antioxidant content. Noni ( morinda ) has a very broad spectrum of phytochemicals, some of which are only found in Noni. The phytochemical phytochemical-synergy with each other to produce amazing healing properties.

Dr. Joseph Betz, chemical researchers from the FDA (Food and Drug Association) division of Natural Products Center For Good Safety and Applied Nutrition at the U.S. said that some experiments have shown that Noni juice can soothe muscle movement and have anti-allergic effects.

In 1992, Dr. Isabella Abbott, professor of botany at the University of Hawaii said that Noni more and more people use to cope with diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and many other diseases.

Herbal Remedies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

What is fatigue ?. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is one of the most widespread, and yet misunderstood, chronic health disorders of our modern culture. Although it has been suggested that the origins of CFS may date back to the early Victorian period, CFS was not formally recognized in the U.S. until the late 1980’s. Often mistakenly accused of suffering from a less-than-serious "psycho-somatic" illness, individuals with CFS have long been frustrated with the conventional medical approach and attitude toward their treatment.

What we more formally understand today to be CFS is generally defined as a period of debilitating fatigue, lasting six months or more, accompanied by a consortium of symptoms with their roots in both the physical and the psychic realms. Whilst muscle weakness, depression, head-aches, joint pain, anxiety, insomnia or hypersomnia, fever, and signs of lymphatic congestion are often amongst the key secondary indicators of CFS, many other symptoms or sustaining imbalances may also be present. It is this collection of diverse and seemingly unrelated symptoms that can obscure any clear sense of what the practitioner’s most influential course of therapeutic action should be. Successful treatment tends to be individualized as a result.

Clearly, some known disorders are associated with CFS. Yet, once again, a clear causative relationship with any particular condition remains elusive and frustrating for the clinician and patient alike. Viral factors, metabolic and endocrine disorders, immune deficiency, circulatory insufficiency, and GI microflora imbalances are helpful to consider with any case of CFS.

Herbal medicine certainly has a lot to offer in the treatment of CFS. As a non-specific disorder, sufferers of CFS can benefit from the use of herbal tonics. In fact, this will often be the herbalist’s chief corrective path where clear solutions are otherwise nowhere to be seen.

One interesting practice by Eclectic physicians during the early 1900’s was to give patients with chronic fatigue a compound consisting of 2 parts Hawthorn Extract (Crataegus spp.) to 1 part Cactus Extract (Selenicereus grandiflorus) for about 30 days. This was done primarily to rule out circulatory insufficiency and cardiovascular-related fatigue.

This practice of giving circulatory tonics is certainly a simpler and far less invasive approach to fatigue than attempting to modify complex endocrine function or any of the other factors mentioned above, for that matter. It is also interesting that, according to at least one report, 100% of CFS patients exhibit abnormal ECG readings. This is particularly relevant as it has been suggested that Cactus influences cardiovascular function specifically via its tonifying effect upon the autonomic nervous system, the branch of the peripheral nervous system that modulates a number of key cardiac processes.

It’s also worth remembering that stress is a potential contributor to a number of the primary symptoms of CFS. Sensitivity to viral infection, disruption of feedback pathways along the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, disturbed immunity, depression, and anxiety may all have stress as a dominant underlying factor. As such, nervous system tonics may well prove to be beneficial for a good number of people with CFS. Unfortunately, our culture tends to turn easily to strong stimulants to counter fatigue, forgetting the ferryman gets paid when the stimulant wears off. With fatigue, it helps to remove the strong stimulants, eat a healthy diet, get moderate, low-impact exercise, and take nourishing nervous system tonics (see table below).

Adaptogens, immune system tonics, and circulatory tonics should also be used where appropriate. Antiviral herbs like Thuja, Lomatium, and St. John’s Wort might be valuable if Epstein-Bar Virus (EBV) or Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) are an issue at all.

Finally, antioxidants and essential fatty acids (EFAs) can also be helpful, particularly to reduce the inflammation that can be associated with CFS.


Natural remedies with herbal

herbal remedies
Herbs, this term is a drug derived from plants.
Natural herbs are now beginning to get people's attention. This evidenced by the many drug products are marketed based herbal medicine. Many herbal shops that provide herbal in form herbal extracts, herbal supplement, herbal pills and products that are modern packaged. Many advantages it brings makes many people choose and turn to herbal treatments as solution to health problems. And good news is that many scientists have been interested and concerned for further research to develop all the benefits of herbal. In the future, natural herbal remedies can be pioneer to change chemical drug.

(1)There are two main branches to the study of herbal pharmacology – pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. Simply put, pharmacodynamics refers to ‘what a drug does to the body’ and pharmacokinetics is ‘what the body does to a drug’. Unfortunately, there is still very little information of either type available for most herbal medicines or much of what does exist today is severely limited in its practical application. There are, of course, many notable exceptions to this, but for the most part our detailed understanding of herbal pharmacology is still frustratingly limited.

The game-shows Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune come to mind when I think of how the scientific community is approaching herbal research (for the record, this analogy says more about me than who I think my audience is – everyone knows herbalists don’t watch Jeopardy – after all, when was the last time you saw ‘stimulating cathartics’ as a question category? ;-). Each herb is a Wheel of Fortune phrase we need to solve to understand the herb’s safe and effective use. The problem is, we don’t have nearly enough letters yet to solve much of anything, conclusively. Every-one knows the letters you have early in the game are most useful when seen in relationship with the whole phrase. And only when we reach a critical mass of letters and see them in relation-ship to everything around them, do we solve the puzzle.

Seeing how public money is currently being spent by our government agencies to explore plant medicines, using modern bio-medical science, is like watching an Herbal game-show being played by someone who doesn’t quite get the strategy of the game. Instead of seeing the small pieces for what they are and suspending judgment – knowing the puzzle is not yet ready to be solved – too often knee-jerk declarations are irresponsibly made as to a herb’s safe and effective use.

We are all entrusted in the keeping of Nature’s wisdom. And whilst it can effectively be argued that we don’t need reductionist science to meet this obligation - that all we need is to use the plants and record and share our experience – today we need a greater number amongst us to be fluent in the language of pharmacology to help solve the puzzle that is being played out in Nature’s name. The game continues, with or without us.

Certainly, we also have more than a few things to learn from science. I regularly hear herbal-sits make claims for herbs that are not supported by the science they quote. Our community uses irrelevant in vitro research to lay claim to a plant’s efficacy at least as often as the medical community uses it to vilify herbs and paint them as widespread killers. So yes, we have a lot to learn. Understanding the pharmacokinetics of sennosides from Sienna can help a practitioner realize when gut flora might be a limiting factor in the therapeutic effect of the herb. Likewise, understanding Licorice’s pharmacodynamics can inform us about the potential for pseudo-adopter-monism and hypertension risk – or even hint at when it might most effectively be used as an antidepressant. Given the toxicity of many of the pharmaceutical drugs in use today, we are also collaboratively responsible for understanding how our herbs interact with these drugs, in clinically-relevant ways. Herbal pharmacology can help practitioners be more effective in their practice.

At Herb Pham, we continue to use our scientific research to explore and to understand and fine-tune how to best extract Nature’s plant medicines. We learn and honor new things every day. New letters are being uncovered and through modern analytical science, we continue to see the parts in relation to the whole tapestry of what these amazing plants have to teach us. Whether you choose clinical practice and pure experience as your path of discovery or you delve into the puzzle-solving of herbal pharmacology – one thing’s for sure – a great deal of our work remains ahead of us.

Footnote: (1) http://www.herbaled.org/Education/Articles/pharmacology.html

Herbal Miss Understanding

Over the years, a number of herbal myths and misunderstandings have been propagated that grossly misrepresent how certain herbs should be used. Such myths seem to be started either by simply misunderstanding traditional use, by poor translation or misapplication of scientific research, or by blatant misinformation and marketing spin by the herb industry. There are many examples we could discuss. However, in this article, I’ll start by looking at a handful of the myths that, in particular, get under my skin.

Echinacea and Auto-immunity
Is Echinacea contraindicated in autoimmune disease? Well, in terms of its history, folk use, traditional use by medical doctors in the early part of the twentieth century, or even the modern scientific literature on Echinacea, nothing indicates that this myth is true.

The thinking goes, if you have an autoimmune disease (i.e., your immune system is attacking your body’s own tissue), you don’t want to take Echinacea because Echinacea is an immune stimulant (although, scientifically Echinacea is referred to as an immuno-modulator). While this myth may sound logical, it is what I call ‘blackboard science’.

In the 1920s, there were 22,000 licensed medical doctors who practiced as Eclectic physicians. These doctors used Echinacea to successfully treat conditions like rheumatism, arthritis, and eczema – conditions we now refer to as autoimmune diseases. Echinacea was one of the biggest selling drugs (herbal or other-wise) in the United States from the 1890s to the 1930s, and nowhere did they report that Echinacea should not be used with these autoimmune diseases.

Another herbal myth is that as you take Echinacea for longer and longer periods of time,
its immuno-modulating benefits decrease more and more. Again, in terms of its historical use, clinical trials, or even animal studies, no evidence exists whatsoever to suggest that the longer you use Echinacea, the less effective it becomes. Actually, there is evidence to support the opposite being true.

Fresh vs. Dry
Are extracts made from fresh, undried herbs more potent than extracts made from dried herbs? The answer is yes or no, depending upon the specific herb. Some people think the fresh herb is always superior. Well, that’s seafood—not herbs. Actually, some herbs can be toxic when used fresh. For instance, you would never want to use an anthraquinone laxative herb, like Cascara or Buckthorn, fresh, because they can be very irritating to the intestinal tract. Herbs containing anthraquinones must be dried and aged for at least one year to modify the anthraquinones and thereby diminish their irritating properties.

Now, some herbs definitely need to be used fresh. If a midwife is using Shepherd’s Purse to stop postpartum hemorrhaging, it better be fresh. It’s best to get the plant right out of the field and use it. But, where do you get fresh Shepherd’s Purse in January when there is snow on the ground and the plants are all dead? Well, if you’ve got a good fresh plant extract where you have preserved the fresh herb with alcohol, then you can have a very effective product.

So, my point here is that some herbs are better used fresh, some herbs are better used dry, and some it doesn’t matter. It really depends upon the herb itself and its unique chemistry.

Wild Yam and Progesterone
Wild Yam contains no progesterone! However, many people will tell you that even though Wild Yam does not contain progesterone, your body can convert it into progesterone. This is definitely not true. Some plants, like Yucca, Sarsaparilla, and Wild Yam, do contain large amounts of the compound diosgenin, a progesterone-like compound. Through a sophisticated pharmaceutical manufacturing process, diosgenin can be converted into progest-erone. However, that process cannot take place in the human body. If anyone tells you dif-ferently, challenge them to show you the evidence.

Another myth is that Mexican Wild Yam is the only species that has medicinal value.

This myth came about because the early manufacturing of progesterone from Wild Yam’s diosgenin took place in Mexico. Had the manufacturing of progesterone taken place in Malaysia, everyone would want Malaysian Wild Yam. Today, Wild Yam is seldom used in the manufacturing of progesterone, and instead, progesterone is mostly made from Soybeans.

Finally, find it rather humorous when our see products that are labeled Mexican Wild Yam and have the Latin name as Dioscorea villosa, which is actually a North American yam that does not grow in Mexico. Mexican Wild Yam can be Dioscorea rotundifolia, D. mexicana, and a few other species.

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