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Showing posts with label Medicine Alternative. Show all posts
Medicine Alternative
Medicine Alternative
But face acupressure generally for purposes related to aesthetics and cosmetics. Especially to achieve fitness and relaxation. Face acupressure can update function in the face area, such as relaxing the facial muscles and tighten facial skin. So we will feel a fit body. And will come out positive aura of our faces.
Face acupressure technique done by pressing acupuncture points that exist in the face. The emphasis on acupuncture points in acupressure for the face, performed for 30 seconds. The first phase of acupressure for the face, the face is cleaned and then spread with cream. Body in a state of calm and relaxed. usually, when we perform acupressure for the face at service acupressure, face acupressure therapy is supported by the sound of music for relaxation and optimization of the dim lighting. The emphasis on acupuncture points in acupressure for the face, performed for 30 seconds. After stage face acupressure, face lotion was given ice to close the pores widened.
When you do this therapy, you will be guaranteed to feel relaxed and your body to be back fit and fresh. Are you interested, you can try this therapy in the clinic acupressure near you.
Medicine Alternative
Cupping Therapy |
What is cupping therapy?
Cupping therapy is alternatif medicine. Cupping treatment is method from east. Cupping is a method of relieving local congestion by applying a partial
vacuum that is created in a cups, either by heat or by suction. Cupping has been used for thousands of years. Although it is often
associated with Traditional Chinese Medicine, the entire world once knew
this of therapy and used it. The Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Chinese used cupping therapy. n Indonesia called "Bekam", kop, cantuk. In arabic called Hijamah. The oldest recorded medical textbook, Ebers Papyrus, written in approximately 1550 BCE in Egypt, mentions cupping (Curtis, 2005). In the UK, the practice of cupping therapy also dates back a long time in one of their leading medical journals, The Lancet. It was named after this practice as it refers to the surgical instrument that can scrape the skin to perform a style of cupping.
vacuum that is created in a cups, either by heat or by suction. Cupping has been used for thousands of years. Although it is often
associated with Traditional Chinese Medicine, the entire world once knew
this of therapy and used it. The Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Chinese used cupping therapy. n Indonesia called "Bekam", kop, cantuk. In arabic called Hijamah. The oldest recorded medical textbook, Ebers Papyrus, written in approximately 1550 BCE in Egypt, mentions cupping (Curtis, 2005). In the UK, the practice of cupping therapy also dates back a long time in one of their leading medical journals, The Lancet. It was named after this practice as it refers to the surgical instrument that can scrape the skin to perform a style of cupping.
Types of Cupping
There are various types of cupping such as:
Light Cupping - Uses a weak suction in the cup to do light cupping. It is
suitable for children and elderly people.
Medium Cupping - A medium strength for general purpose cupping.
Strong Cupping - Suction will be great and, therefore, it is not suitable
for children and elderly people.
Moving Cupping or Massage Cupping - This is a great method of massage and is done by applying oil to the skin and moving the cup, by a weak suction, on the area to be treated.
Needle Cupping - Acupuncture and cupping are done in the same place by applying the needle first and then the cup is applied over the needle.
Hot Cupping - Dried mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) leaves, sometimes called by its Oriental name, Moxa, is a great warming herb. A needle is used, warmed by dried mugwort and then the cup is applied over the needle.
Flash Cupping - This is a term used to describe the practice when several medium cuppings are preformed several times in quick succession along the area being treated to stimulate it.
Bleeding Cupping - Also called Full Cupping or Wet Cupping. It is the most frequently used, oldest, and often the most effective method. A surgical instrument is used to scrape the skin and the cup is then applied to collect blood.
Herbal Cupping - A suitable herbal tincture is put into the cup and then
suction is applied.
Water Cupping - This is the least practiced method. It involves filling a
third of the cup with warm water. Whilst holding the cup close to the client with one hand, it is brought to the point to be cupped and then burning cotton wool is inserted into the cup, then swiftly and simultaneously the cup is turned onto the skin. When performed properly, no water spillage occurs.
Conditions Which Can Benefit From Cupping
Conditions that can benefit from cupping include headache, back pain, joint and muscular pain, infertility, sexual disorders, rheumatic diseases,
hypertension, breast enhancement, bed wetting, common colds and flu,
insomnia, stroke, fever, constipation and diarrhea, chest pain, asthma and blood disorders.
Precautions and Contraindications
Always take sensible precautions when using cupping or be sure that the
therapist you seek cupping treatment from follows these precautions.
* Sterilization: this is the main key to success.
* Use suitable cups for the area being treated.
* Take extra care with children and the elderly.
* Do not apply strong cupping to the face.
* Do not treat pregnant women.
* Do not use cupping on inflamed or cut skin.
* Take extra care when scraping the skin and do not cut a vein or artery.
* Do not treat people with a serious heart disease.
Applying Cupping on Acupuncture Meridians Points
In the Journal of Biomechanics (2005), researchers L. M. Thama, H. P. Leea, and C. Lua state that "Cupping is known to be an effective alternative to needles in stimulating acupoints in acupuncture treatment. One of the major advantages must be that transmission of blood-borne diseases can be avoided since the skin is not penetrated."
Therefore, we can use cupping as an alternative to acupuncture, or in
conjunction with it. Many researchers have investigated and demonstrated the benefits of cupping.
Light Cupping - Uses a weak suction in the cup to do light cupping. It is
suitable for children and elderly people.
Medium Cupping - A medium strength for general purpose cupping.
Strong Cupping - Suction will be great and, therefore, it is not suitable
for children and elderly people.
Moving Cupping or Massage Cupping - This is a great method of massage and is done by applying oil to the skin and moving the cup, by a weak suction, on the area to be treated.
Needle Cupping - Acupuncture and cupping are done in the same place by applying the needle first and then the cup is applied over the needle.
Hot Cupping - Dried mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) leaves, sometimes called by its Oriental name, Moxa, is a great warming herb. A needle is used, warmed by dried mugwort and then the cup is applied over the needle.
Flash Cupping - This is a term used to describe the practice when several medium cuppings are preformed several times in quick succession along the area being treated to stimulate it.
Bleeding Cupping - Also called Full Cupping or Wet Cupping. It is the most frequently used, oldest, and often the most effective method. A surgical instrument is used to scrape the skin and the cup is then applied to collect blood.
Herbal Cupping - A suitable herbal tincture is put into the cup and then
suction is applied.
Water Cupping - This is the least practiced method. It involves filling a
third of the cup with warm water. Whilst holding the cup close to the client with one hand, it is brought to the point to be cupped and then burning cotton wool is inserted into the cup, then swiftly and simultaneously the cup is turned onto the skin. When performed properly, no water spillage occurs.
Conditions Which Can Benefit From Cupping
Conditions that can benefit from cupping include headache, back pain, joint and muscular pain, infertility, sexual disorders, rheumatic diseases,
hypertension, breast enhancement, bed wetting, common colds and flu,
insomnia, stroke, fever, constipation and diarrhea, chest pain, asthma and blood disorders.
Precautions and Contraindications
Always take sensible precautions when using cupping or be sure that the
therapist you seek cupping treatment from follows these precautions.
* Sterilization: this is the main key to success.
* Use suitable cups for the area being treated.
* Take extra care with children and the elderly.
* Do not apply strong cupping to the face.
* Do not treat pregnant women.
* Do not use cupping on inflamed or cut skin.
* Take extra care when scraping the skin and do not cut a vein or artery.
* Do not treat people with a serious heart disease.
Applying Cupping on Acupuncture Meridians Points
In the Journal of Biomechanics (2005), researchers L. M. Thama, H. P. Leea, and C. Lua state that "Cupping is known to be an effective alternative to needles in stimulating acupoints in acupuncture treatment. One of the major advantages must be that transmission of blood-borne diseases can be avoided since the skin is not penetrated."
Therefore, we can use cupping as an alternative to acupuncture, or in
conjunction with it. Many researchers have investigated and demonstrated the benefits of cupping.
1) *Cupping: From a biomechanical perspective* by L.M. Thama, H.P. Leea,b,_, C. Lua (Journal of Biomechanics) June 2005
2) *Cupping* by Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D., Director, Institute for
Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon
3) Ancient Chinese Technique of Cupping Offers Pain Relief Without Drugs or Surgery
4) *Massage Cupping Therapy for Health Care Professionals* By Anita J.
Shannon, LMBT
5) *Cupping Therapy/* by Ilkay Zihni Chirali
6) The Complete Guide To cupping Therapy By Dr Tamer Shaban
2) *Cupping* by Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D., Director, Institute for
Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon
3) Ancient Chinese Technique of Cupping Offers Pain Relief Without Drugs or Surgery
4) *Massage Cupping Therapy for Health Care Professionals* By Anita J.
Shannon, LMBT
5) *Cupping Therapy/* by Ilkay Zihni Chirali
6) The Complete Guide To cupping Therapy By Dr Tamer Shaban
Medicine Alternative
A Brief Explanation
Acupuncture is a method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and to improve functioning. This is done by inserting needles and applying heat or electrical stimulation at very precise acupuncture points.
The classical Chinese explanation is that channels of energy run in regular patterns through the body and over its surface. These energy channels, called meridians, are like rivers flowing through the body to irrigate and nourish the tissues. An obstruction in the movement of these energy rivers is like a dam that backs up in others.
The meridians can be influenced by needling the acupuncture points; the acupuncture needles unblock the obstructions at the dams, and reestablish the regular flow through the meridians. Acupuncture treatments can therefore help the body's internal organs to correct imbalances in their digestion, absorption, and energy production activities, and in the circulation of their energy through the meridians.
The modern scientific explanation is that needling the acupuncture points stimulates the nervous system to release chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These chemicals will either change the experience of pain, or they will trigger the release of other chemicals and hormones which influence the body's own internal regulating system.
The improved energy and biochemical balance produced by acupuncture results in stimulating the body's natural healing abilities, and in promoting physical and emotional well-being.
Acupuncture is a very old medical art, and there are many approaches to learning and practicing it. Medical acupuncture is the term used to describe acupuncture performed by a doctor trained and licensed in Western medicine who has also had thorough training in acupuncture as a specialty practice. Such a doctor can use one or the other approach, or a combination of both as the need arises, to treat an illness.
Medical acupuncture is a system which can influence three areas of health care:
- promotion of health and well-being,
- prevention of illness,
- treatment of various medical conditions.
While acupuncture is often associated with pain control, in the hands of a well-trained practitioner it has much broader applications. Acupuncture can be effective as the only treatment used, or as the support or adjunct to other medial treatment forms in many medical and surgical disorders.The World Health Organization recognizes the use of acupuncture in the treatment of a wide range of medical problems, including:
- Digestive disorders: gastritis and hyperacidity, spastic colon, constipation, diarrhea.
- Respiratory disorders: sinusitis, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, recurrent chest infections.
- Neurological and muscular disorders: headaches, facial tics, neck pain, rib neuritis, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, various forms of tendinitis, low back pain, sciatica, osteoarthritis.
- Urinary, menstrual, and reproductive problems.
Acupuncture is particularly useful in resolving physical problems related to tension and stress and emotional conditions.
The number of treatments needed differs from person to person. For complex or long-standing conditions, one or two treatments a week for several months may be recommended. For acute problems, usually fewer visits are required, and for health
Usually not. As energy is redirected in the body, internal chemicals and hormones are stimulated and healing begins to takeplace. Occasionally the original symptoms worsen for a few days, or other general changes in appetite, sleep, bowel or urination patterns, or emotional state may be triggered. These should not cause concern, as they are simply indications that the acupuncture is starting to work. It is quite common with the first one or two treatments to have a sensation of deep relaxation or even mild disorientation immediately following the treatment. These pass within a short time, and never require anything more than a bit of rest to overcome.
People experience acupuncture needling differently. Most patients feel only minimal pain as the needles are inserted; some feel no pain at all. Once the needles are in place, there is no pain felt. Acupuncture needles are very thin and solid and are made from stainless steel. The point is smooth (not hollow with cuttingedges like a hypodermic needle) and insertion through the skin is not as painful as injections or blood sampling. The risk of bruising and skin irritation is less than when using a hollow needle.
Because your doctor carefully sterilizes the needles using the same techniques as for surgical instruments, or uses disposable needles, there is no risk of infection from the treatments.
Yes. In the past 2,000 years, more people have been successfully treated with acupuncture than with all other health modalities combined. Today acupuncture is practiced widely in Asia, the Soviet Union, and in Europe. It is now being used more and more in America by patients and physicians. Acupuncture treatments can be given at the same time other techniques are being used, such as conventional Western medicine,osteopathic or chiropractic adjustments, and homeopathic ornaturopathic prescriptions. It is important that your physician-acupuncturist know everything that you are doing, so he or she can help you get the most benefit from all your treatments.
No. Acupuncture is used successfully on cats, dogs, horses and other animals. These animal patients do not understand or believein the process that helps them get better. A positive attitude toward wellness may reinforce the effects of the treatment received, just as a negative attitude may hinder the effects of acupuncture or any other treatment. A neutral attitude ("I don't know if I really believe in this.") will not block the treatment results.
Yes. To enhance the value of a treatment, the following guidelines are important:
- Do not eat an unusually large meal immediately before or after your treatment.
- Do not over-exercise, engage in sexual activity, or consume alcoholic beverages within 6 hours before or after the treatment.
- Plan your activities so that after the treatment you can get some rest, or at least not have to be working at top performance. This is especially important for the first few visits.
- Continue to take any prescription medicines as directed by your regular doctor. Substance abuse (drugs and alcohol) especially in the week prior to treatment, will seriously interfere with the effectiveness of acupuncture reatments.
- Remember to keep good mental or written notes of what your response is to the treatment. This is important for your doctor to know so that the follow-up treatments can be designed to best help you and your problem
Some insurance companies currently cover acupuncture costs, other companies do not yet recognize the value of acupuncture. Each health policy must be reviewed to determine acupuncture benefits. More and more insurance companies are recognizing the value of providing coverage for medical acupuncture services. You can help by insisting that your insurance company offer you reimbursement for medically indicated acupuncture treatments before you accept their policy.
Medicine Alternative
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allergies simptoms |
Allergies are a sign of an imbalance in the immune system. Balancing and strengthening the body can decrease or even rid oneself of seasonal allergies altogether. Traditional Chinese Medicine, including acupuncture and herbal remedies, does just this. Treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine is two-fold: clearing the symptoms and balancing the meridians, thus improving overall health.
Prescription and over-the-counter medications are widely available, but they do nothing to help overall health and come with a host of side effects. Natural remedies such as acupuncture and herbal medicine can clear symptoms of allergies and bring the body to balance thus allowing for a higher state of health and well-being.
Acupuncture is excellent in treating the symptoms of allergies. Many allergy symptoms are located in the head (stuffiness, headache, itchy eyes) which reveals to the acupuncturist that the energy is not flowing smoothly from the head into the rest of the body, and vice versa. All the yang meridians flow from the hands up to the head and from the head down to the feet. Using needles on the head and neck opens the yang channels and allows the energy to flow. The use of traditional herbal formulas such as Bi Yan Pian opens the sinuses and clears the head and eyes allowing for symptom relief.
Acupuncture also helps balance the body which improves overall health. This is done by taking a complete intake and assessment of every client who comes for treatment. Acupuncturists treat very specifically and individually, making sure the underlying cause of allergies (or any other symptom) is cleared. When the body is in balance, symptoms disappear and health is restored. Along with needles herbal formulas may be given which are specific to each person to restore balance and health.
While allergies can put a damper on enjoying the best the season holds, there is natural relief for allergy sufferers. The relief need not be temporary: when the body is brought to a higher level of health renewed energy, flexibility and joy of living is restored.
Medicine Alternative
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Back Pain Treatment Chiropractic |
Chiropractic is a form of treatment of spinal manipulation to restore the proper position. Do not take these for granted because some may indicate very serious problems. According to the health care professionals, pain from herniated disc can be treated conservatively as long as there are no signs that it may require invasive treatment. If you want to undergo a spinal surgery, it is best to consult a Chiropractor who will assess your condition; there is no harm of asking for a second opinion. There are cases that don’t really need an operation, this saves you money, and it should never be an issue because this is your health that is being talked about. But if there are ways to get better without surgery involved then it is worth giving a try, but still it’s up to the decision is up to the patient. Low back pain is a serious problem. Why? Because it is not normal to have pains at the back, it may be a symptom of an internal problem that should be treated. People treat low back pain as a normal pain that can be felt by everyone, usually they take pain relievers, as time goes by a higher dosage is needed. It is obvious that pain relievers take the pain away but it does not cure the problem. If low back pain keeps on coming back then, there is a need to consult a Chiropractor, instead of self medicating, why not consult someone who has the knowledge and specialize in the field of medicine? Don’t waste time, visit a Chiropractor near you.
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