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Showing posts with label Mental Health. Show all posts
Mental Health
Mental Health
Mental Health
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Mental Health
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Actually there is no general difference in overcoming addiction, the important thing is the approach to determine what the needs of patients. Most addiction experienced by communities need pharmacological help to overcome them.
"I do not believe that the traditional rehabilitation using the method of self healing (self-help) would be effective," says Bankole Johnson, a professor of neuroscience at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, as quoted from Scientificamerican, Tuesday (07/26/2011) .
Johnson said that to find out what works for rehabilitation of a patient, then it must be known in advance the profile of these patients so that it can be determined what is necessary rehabilitation techniques such as psychological and medical patients.
Generally in the rehabilitation of an addict will receive various therapies as a combination that includes behavioral interventions, cognitive therapy, therapy that involves the family and people around the patient.
"In some patients sometimes also requires an approach or a pharmacological drugs in the rehabilitation process, therefore it is important to know the profile of the patient's own," he said.
Some types of addictions such as alcohol is influenced by genetic factors. But that does not mean someone can not escape from addiction to alcohol. If therapy is appropriate given the rehabilitation process will be effective.
The key in determining the success of rehabilitation for addiction is needed motivation from within themselves for free as well as compliance in undergoing the rehabilitation process. In addition the surrounding environment also supports so that he will not fall again.
"When a patient is aware of it, then she lived rehabilitation can provide optimal results and it is free from addiction," said Johnson.
Mental Health
Seasonal Affective Disorder ( SAD )
We must have experienced very bad mood and did not have the passion to do the activity. for some reason, maybe something reasonable. however, if the gloomy feeling that persist for some time and we can not enjoy the work that we used to do, we may experience seasonal affective disorder.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type mental health disorders of mild depression that occurs at the same time every year. this is seasonal mood disorder. And such symptom of depression in bopolar disorder. If you feel the symptoms of weakening energy and feel moody at certain seasons, most likely you are experiencing this disorder.
This mental health disorder is a cyclic seasonal conditions that were encountered in countries subtropics. but these cases can also be found in those tropical countries. SAD symptoms can appear and disappear at the same time each year.
In subtropics countries, the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) usually appears at the end of autumn or early winter. and seasonal affective disorder symptoms usually disappears when the spring and summer. but there are some people who experience the opposite of this cycle. And become depression when spring or summer. These symptoms are mild some are worse throughout the year.
Cause SAD
Specific causes of SAD is still unknown. Some factors which may influence, among others:
1. Your biological clock (circadian rhythm).
Lack of sunlight in fall and winter may disrupt the body's internal clock that lets us know when to sleep or waking. This circadian rhythm disturbances can cause of depression.
2. Melatonin increases.
Seasonal changes may upset the hormone melatonin, which plays a role in sleep patterns and mood.
3. Serotonin decreased.
Decrease in serotonin, a brain chemical (neurotransmitter) that affects mood, may also be influential in seasonal affective disorder. Reduced sunlight can cause a decrease in serotonin and can lead to depression.
Symptoms of SAD
Winter depression, SAD symptoms of the disorder include:
Summer depression, SAD symptoms of the disorder include:
In some people, spring and summer can bring on symptoms of mania or a less intense form of mania (hypomania). These disorders include mood increase, agitation, and a quick mind and words. The opposite of disorder SAD is a form of bipolar disorder. Signs and symptoms of the disorder among others:
Care and treatment for Seasonal affective disorder
1. Light therapy.
In affective disorder light therapy or phototherapy, you sit a few feet from a special light therapy boxes so exposed to bright light. Light therapy mimics outdoor light and causes changes in brain chemical associated with mood. The treatment is simple to use and seems to have low side effects.
2. Drugs.
Some people with seasonal affective disorder benefit from treatment with antidepressants, especially if symptoms are severe. Drugs commonly used to treat seasonal affective disorder include: Bupropion, paroxetine (Paxil), sertraline (Zoloft), fluoxetine (Prozac, Sarafem) and venlafaxine (Effexor).
3. Psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy is another option for treating seasonal affective disorder. Despite the expected seasonal affective disorder associated with biochemical processes, mood and behavior symptoms can also be added. Psychotherapy can help you identify and change negative thoughts and behaviors that might make you feel worse. You can also learn healthy ways to cope with seasonal affective disorder and stress management.
Here are tips to help manage mental conditions to reduce the risk of SAD:
1. Stick to the plan of treatment.
Taking medications as directed and attend therapy sessions as scheduled.
2. Take care of yourself.
3. Try to get enough rest.
4. Eat regular healthy meals.
5. Take time to relax.
6. Do not turn to alcohol or drugs without a prescription.
7. Perform stress management.
Learn how to manage your stress better. Stress can cause depression, overeating, or other unhealthy
8. Sosialisation.
When you feel depressed, it's hard to get along. Try to keep interacting with people around you. They can
offer support, shoulder to cry on or a joke to give a little encouragement.
9. Streets.
If possible, try a winter holiday when sunny. Warm location suitable for you who have the disorder SAD
winter or cool location if you have summer SAD disorder.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type mental health disorders of mild depression that occurs at the same time every year. this is seasonal mood disorder. And such symptom of depression in bopolar disorder. If you feel the symptoms of weakening energy and feel moody at certain seasons, most likely you are experiencing this disorder.
This mental health disorder is a cyclic seasonal conditions that were encountered in countries subtropics. but these cases can also be found in those tropical countries. SAD symptoms can appear and disappear at the same time each year.
In subtropics countries, the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) usually appears at the end of autumn or early winter. and seasonal affective disorder symptoms usually disappears when the spring and summer. but there are some people who experience the opposite of this cycle. And become depression when spring or summer. These symptoms are mild some are worse throughout the year.
Cause SAD
Specific causes of SAD is still unknown. Some factors which may influence, among others:
1. Your biological clock (circadian rhythm).
Lack of sunlight in fall and winter may disrupt the body's internal clock that lets us know when to sleep or waking. This circadian rhythm disturbances can cause of depression.
2. Melatonin increases.
Seasonal changes may upset the hormone melatonin, which plays a role in sleep patterns and mood.
3. Serotonin decreased.
Decrease in serotonin, a brain chemical (neurotransmitter) that affects mood, may also be influential in seasonal affective disorder. Reduced sunlight can cause a decrease in serotonin and can lead to depression.
Symptoms of SAD
Winter depression, SAD symptoms of the disorder include:
- Depression
- Feeling hopeless
- Worry
- Weakness, loss of energy
- Withdraw
- Many sleep
- Losing interest in activities which are usually preferred
- Changes in diet, want to consume foods high in carbohydrates
- Weight gain
- Difficulty concentrating and processing information
Summer depression, SAD symptoms of the disorder include:
- Worry
- Difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
- Irritable
- Weight loss
- Decreased appetite
- Increased sex drive
In some people, spring and summer can bring on symptoms of mania or a less intense form of mania (hypomania). These disorders include mood increase, agitation, and a quick mind and words. The opposite of disorder SAD is a form of bipolar disorder. Signs and symptoms of the disorder among others:
- Mood increased continuously
- Increased social activity
- Hyperactivity
- Enthusiasm is not terkendalui
Care and treatment for Seasonal affective disorder
1. Light therapy.
In affective disorder light therapy or phototherapy, you sit a few feet from a special light therapy boxes so exposed to bright light. Light therapy mimics outdoor light and causes changes in brain chemical associated with mood. The treatment is simple to use and seems to have low side effects.
2. Drugs.
Some people with seasonal affective disorder benefit from treatment with antidepressants, especially if symptoms are severe. Drugs commonly used to treat seasonal affective disorder include: Bupropion, paroxetine (Paxil), sertraline (Zoloft), fluoxetine (Prozac, Sarafem) and venlafaxine (Effexor).
3. Psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy is another option for treating seasonal affective disorder. Despite the expected seasonal affective disorder associated with biochemical processes, mood and behavior symptoms can also be added. Psychotherapy can help you identify and change negative thoughts and behaviors that might make you feel worse. You can also learn healthy ways to cope with seasonal affective disorder and stress management.
Here are tips to help manage mental conditions to reduce the risk of SAD:
1. Stick to the plan of treatment.
Taking medications as directed and attend therapy sessions as scheduled.
2. Take care of yourself.
3. Try to get enough rest.
4. Eat regular healthy meals.
5. Take time to relax.
6. Do not turn to alcohol or drugs without a prescription.
7. Perform stress management.
Learn how to manage your stress better. Stress can cause depression, overeating, or other unhealthy
8. Sosialisation.
When you feel depressed, it's hard to get along. Try to keep interacting with people around you. They can
offer support, shoulder to cry on or a joke to give a little encouragement.
9. Streets.
If possible, try a winter holiday when sunny. Warm location suitable for you who have the disorder SAD
winter or cool location if you have summer SAD disorder.
Mental Health

There are several benefits of exercise program for our mental health:
1. Reduce Stress
every human being will not be able to escape from stress. Our lives are always surrounded by stress. many sources of stress are approaching towards us. so that the stress needs to be managed so as not to cause bad effects that make us worse off. can even go into depression. And one solution is to sports. recreational sports including forms that can distract us from our problems. Regular exercise can improve blood circulation to the brain, because the heart is working optimally to pump blood to the brain. the better supply of oxygen to the brain, the easier we achieve relaxation.
2. Optimize brain function
Exercise routines can improve the reaction, concentration, coordination, creativity and mental health. nerves to be stimulated and trained so as not to die quickly. this is because of brains get an adequate supply of oxygen to perform its functions optimally.
3. Increase secretion of Endogeneus opioids hormon.
In the wonders of the human body, scientists recently have discovered a hormone system that serves as the morphine-called endogenous opioids. It is enough to attract attention because its receptors found in the hypothalamus and limbic system of the brain, areas associated with emotion and human behavior.
Endogenous opioid system of hormones, one of which is beta-endorphin, not only reduce feelings of pain and gives strength to face cancer alone, but also adds memory, normalize appetite, sex, blood pressure and ventilation.
When exercising, the pituitary gland adding a product of beta-endorphin, and as a result of beta-endorphin concentration increased in the blood that are drawn also to the brain, thus reducing pain, anxiety, depression and feeling tired.
4. Stimulate alpha waves
Research shows that exercise, there is the addition of alpha waves in the brain. Alpha brain waves have long been known that associated with relaxed and relaxed as when meditating. Alpha waves are seen at a jog for 20 to 30 minutes, and can still be measured after the exercise ended.
The researchers suggested that increasing the power of alpha waves contribute to the psychological benefits of exercise, including reduced anxiety and depression.
5. slows aging
Recent studies prove that with only mild exercise such as walking can help the body prevent the decline in brain power in older women. The longer and the frequent activities of walking is done, then the sharpness of the mind also is getting better.
Best results will be obtained by moving the body each week for nine weeks. "The activity need not be too high intensity, simply by wandering around, the important resources we can increase cardiac pacemaker," said Landers. "But the benefits of memory we will always be sharp."
6. Enhance the feeling of happiness
Exercise can stimulate spending endorphins, serotonin, adrenaline and dopamine. these hormones are hormones that stimulate feelings of happiness.
A survey in England reported a 83% suffering from depression depends on the activity of sport in improving mood and reducing anxiety. Exercise regularly for 16 weeks in people who had higher levels of depression are getting happy effect.
Research at Duke University show that 60% of patients with depression who underwent 30 minutes of exercise three times a week for six months can fight the pain without having to use a medicine doctor. But for people with severe depression certainly can not simply escape from the drugs. It's just that many physicians are now incorporating sporting activities in addition to their prescription medication sedation
7. Increase confidence
Now that confidence can be achieved not just by relying on physical beauty again. A case study in the U.S. proves that teens are active in sports have the same levels of confidence strong with their friends who have a body and a beautiful appearance.
This self-consistency lies in the results they get, namely a healthy body image and excellent physical strength, not merely obsessed with vigorous exercise because of physical figure of the model on the cover of magazine
3. Increase secretion of Endogeneus opioids hormon.
In the wonders of the human body, scientists recently have discovered a hormone system that serves as the morphine-called endogenous opioids. It is enough to attract attention because its receptors found in the hypothalamus and limbic system of the brain, areas associated with emotion and human behavior.
Endogenous opioid system of hormones, one of which is beta-endorphin, not only reduce feelings of pain and gives strength to face cancer alone, but also adds memory, normalize appetite, sex, blood pressure and ventilation.
When exercising, the pituitary gland adding a product of beta-endorphin, and as a result of beta-endorphin concentration increased in the blood that are drawn also to the brain, thus reducing pain, anxiety, depression and feeling tired.
4. Stimulate alpha waves
Research shows that exercise, there is the addition of alpha waves in the brain. Alpha brain waves have long been known that associated with relaxed and relaxed as when meditating. Alpha waves are seen at a jog for 20 to 30 minutes, and can still be measured after the exercise ended.
The researchers suggested that increasing the power of alpha waves contribute to the psychological benefits of exercise, including reduced anxiety and depression.
5. slows aging
Recent studies prove that with only mild exercise such as walking can help the body prevent the decline in brain power in older women. The longer and the frequent activities of walking is done, then the sharpness of the mind also is getting better.
Best results will be obtained by moving the body each week for nine weeks. "The activity need not be too high intensity, simply by wandering around, the important resources we can increase cardiac pacemaker," said Landers. "But the benefits of memory we will always be sharp."
6. Enhance the feeling of happiness
Exercise can stimulate spending endorphins, serotonin, adrenaline and dopamine. these hormones are hormones that stimulate feelings of happiness.
A survey in England reported a 83% suffering from depression depends on the activity of sport in improving mood and reducing anxiety. Exercise regularly for 16 weeks in people who had higher levels of depression are getting happy effect.
Research at Duke University show that 60% of patients with depression who underwent 30 minutes of exercise three times a week for six months can fight the pain without having to use a medicine doctor. But for people with severe depression certainly can not simply escape from the drugs. It's just that many physicians are now incorporating sporting activities in addition to their prescription medication sedation
7. Increase confidence
Now that confidence can be achieved not just by relying on physical beauty again. A case study in the U.S. proves that teens are active in sports have the same levels of confidence strong with their friends who have a body and a beautiful appearance.
This self-consistency lies in the results they get, namely a healthy body image and excellent physical strength, not merely obsessed with vigorous exercise because of physical figure of the model on the cover of magazine
Mental Health
alcohol and mental health |
Alcohol and mental health
How alcohol affects the brain and the varying mental side effects that can result from excessive drinking.
Contrary to what many people think, alcohol is not a stimulant – it actually works by depressing brain function. So while small amounts of alcohol might temporarily improve your mood, drinking excessively usually has the opposite effect, and this became one of cause the case mental health disorders.
A poll by the Mental Health Foundation of 1,000 people found that nearly eight in ten who drink say it makes them feel more relaxed. Other common reasons for drinking include feeling ‘happy’, ‘more confident’, ‘less anxious’ or ‘less depressed.’
Whilst these findings might be expected, a fact that is less understood, however, is that people who drink heavily are far more likely to suffer from mental health illness.
Put very simply, a major reason for drinking alcohol is to change our mood - or change our mental state. Alcohol can temporarily alleviate feelings of anxiety and depression; it can also help to temporarily relieve the symptoms of more serious mental health problems.
Alcohol problems are more common among people with more severe mental health problems. This does not necessarily mean that alcohol causes severe mental illness. Drinking to deal with difficult feelings or symptoms of mental illness is sometimes called ‘self-medication’ by people in the mental health field. This is often why people with mental health problems drink. But it can make existing mental health problems worse.
Evidence shows that people who consume high amounts of alcohol are vulnerable to higher levels of mental ill health and it can be a contributory factor in some mental illnesses, such as depression.
Drinking affect on moods and mental health
When we have alcohol in our blood, our mood changes, and our behaviour then also changes. How these change depends on how much we drink and how quickly we drink it.
Alcohol depresses the central nervous system, and this can make us less inhibited in our behaviour. It can also help ‘numb’ our emotions, so we can avoid difficult issues in our lives.
Alcohol can also reveal or magnify our underlying feelings. This is one of the reasons that many people become angry or aggressive when drinking. If our underlying feelings are of anxiety, anger or unhappiness, then alcohol can magnify them.
Anxiety and depression
Alcohol can temporarily relieve some negative thoughts and feelings because it alters the chemistry of your brain. That’s why some use drinking as a prop to help ‘cope’ with life or stress. But over the long term, heavy drinking can magnify problems and make life more difficult.
Bridget O'Connell, head of information at Mind, the National Association for Mental Health, points out that in situations where alcohol dependency and mental illness are both present it adds up to a complex picture.
"Some people who experience mental distress may turn to alcohol as a way of 'self-medicating’ and this can result in dependency that may worsen their symptoms,” she explains.
“However, alcohol is a depressant and in some cases it can be difficult to know which problem started first, and which symptoms relate to alcohol and which relate to their mental health."
This kind of ‘self-medicating’ with alcohol can be counter-productive. Increased alcohol use changes the psychology of the brain and reduces its ability to deal with anxiety naturally. This can lead to more alcohol being needed to experience the same reduction in anxiety.
Similarly with depression, levels of serotonin – a chemical in your brain that helps to regulate your mood – are depleted through regular drinking. That means feeling more depressed, and probably drinking more to deal with it. A vicious cycle.
“In the long term a heavy drinker will need more and more alcohol to cope with their feelings,” says Simon Lawton-Smith, head of policy at the Mental Health Foundation.
“Long term heavy drinking changes the chemistry of the brain and there is a significant link between heavy drinking and suicide.”
Suicide, Self-harm and Psychosis
It is estimated that up to two thirds of suicides in the UK are linked to excessive drinking. As many as 70% of successful male suicides are alcohol related, according to the Mental Health Foundation (2).
As well as suicide, alcohol and self-harm are also linked. A survey of self-harm patients at Scottish accident and emergency departments (3) found that nearly two thirds (62%) of males and half (50%) of females had consumed alcohol immediately before or while self-harming.
Dr Ken Checinski is a consultant psychiatrist and senior lecturer in addictive behaviour at St George's Hospital Medical School, University of London. He says when people drink alcohol their impulsivity is increased. This can be linked to extreme behaviour, including self-harm and suicide.
“Most people that self-harm have taken substances, and that usually involves alcohol,” Checinski explains. “Alcohol often makes people lose their inhibitions. It increases impulsivity, which might lead them to take actions they might not otherwise have taken, including self-harm and suicide.
”Drinking more than 30 units per day (Drinkaware recommends not regularly drinking more that 3-4 units for men or 2-3 units for women) guideline daily amount for men is 2-3 units) for several weeks can occasionally cause ‘psychosis’, a severe mental illness where hallucinations and delusions of persecution develop. Psychotic symptoms can also occur when very heavy drinkers suddenly stop drinking.
“Alcohol withdrawal symptoms in people who become addicted to alcohol are very dangerous, with 5% of mortality associated with untreated alcohol withdrawal,” says Checinski.
Memory and brain
Alcohol can also damage your memory and brain function. After only a few drinks your memory can be impaired and your brain processes slow down. Larger quantities of alcohol can lead to short-term memory failure or ‘blackouts’. Drinking heavily over a long period of time can also have long-term effects on memory.
Alcohol affects many parts of the brain and the brain doesn’t regenerate very much if at all,” he adds. “With long-term heavy drinking, recalling old memories and laying down new ones can become more difficult.”
so, let's do a healthy lifestyle. leave the habit of drinking alcohol. and divert it be to increase positive activities like exercise
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