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Lose Thigh Fat

thigh fat
Are you want to lose thighs fat?. Thighs fat for some people it causes discomfort and interfere with self-confidence. until we tried in many ways how to lose thighs fat as many people attempt how to lose belly fat. there are even some people who use a dangerous way to lose weight the fat is mostly stored in the thighs and abdomen.It seems everywhere we look, there is a sign telling us lean, symmetrical and proportionate bodies are the way to go. At the same time, we find about the same quantity of signs asking us to buy juicy hamburgers or a comfortable coach to lay down and not get up. Such is the challenge of our times: stay lean and live a comfortable and easy life.

The reason why these two are hard to reconcile is in our genetics. Our evolution designed our bodies to store fat in preparation for harder times. Those energy efficient bodies (that needed low energy to function) that could store the most energy (fat) had the best chances to survive. Food was not easy to get and life was physically intense. That is not the case anymore.
Circumstances around our lives changed but not our biological conditions. That means, for most of us, it is easier than ever for our bodies to store fat... including thighs. That is a problem.

Fat thighs makes many people, especially women, feel uneasy with their looks. Contrary to our ancestor's way of living, fat thighs is bad news. Science has shown over and over again that fat accumulation in any body area is bad for our health.

We can easily come across to many suggestions and procedures regarding how to reduce thighs. Still, that does not solve the problem, as so much information brings more confusion on how to start losing thigh fat.

For our action to be effective, we need to understand the basics. Let’s begin by knowing that we cannot lose thigh fat unless we lose overall body fat. Furthermore, no exercise will only make us lose thigh fat. Some types of exercise will help us tone thighs and others will stimulate overall body fat reduction.
From body fat to thigh fat

You might just want to get rid of thigh fat, but before you can do it, you need to know some facts. Start by understanding that getting fat stored in thighs is just like getting fat stored in any other body area. The body stores fat in the thighs or in any other body part when it gets more food (calories) than it needs. This is the same as saying the body is getting the wrong kind of food.

So, realize that if you have fat thighs, your body might be in potential danger too. It's time to think about proper nutrition. Eat as much as you want as long as you don’t eat more calories than you use up and as long as you get all the nutrients you need.

The second fact to learn is that a good nutrition works better if you exercise. The formula to memorize is 80% good nutrition and 20% cardio exercise. Exercises for thighs won't get you slimmer thighs, but will make them tone and tight.

Things won't happen overnight. Nutrition and exercise will help you lose body fat until one day you start losing thigh fat. This might seem like a lot of work… but it actually boils down to how many years do you want to live and what quality of living you want in those years.

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