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Green Tea Cure Hair Loss

green tea one of herbal and natural remedies
The problem of hair loss can be experienced by anyone, if not prevented properly can cause baldness. But hair loss can be stopped by consuming green tea. Green tea is a part of herbal and natural remedies are good and many people enjoy.

During this time, green tea is known to have benefits for weight loss, prevent cancer and diabetes, 'enhance' the immune system and eliminate bad breath. But green tea can also increase hair growth and hair health.

Hair growth is influenced by a cycle and several studies found that green tea has a positive impact on these hair cycle. There are several ways that suggested that green tea can help growth, prevent and stop hair loss, as quoted from Lifemojo, Tuesday (05/07/2011), namely:

1. Inhibiting DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)
The study found that the main cause of hair loss is DHT, and the sensitivity of follicles to DHT can cause baldness. Green tea is thought to be a DHT inhibitor, because it increases levels of sex hormone binding globulin (sex hormone binding globulin / SBHG) which interacts with testosterone so as to prevent the formation of DHT.

2. Increases blood circulation to hair follicles
Green tea contains catechin polyphenols which is one of the essential molecules. In some studies of these substances can trigger the relaxation of the microcapillary blood circulation system in the hair follicle.

3. Stimulates hair growth
Saitama Cancer Center Research Institute in Japan and Seoul National University College of Medicine found positive evidence of the compound epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). Studies in laboratory found that the better hair growth and follicle becomes longer if given EGCG.

4. Strengthen and moisturize hair
Some of the ingredients in green tea can be beneficial to the hair. The content of vitamin E can rejuvenate dry or damaged hair, vitamin C can protect hair from UV radiation damage and panthenol (provitamin) can increase hair strength and make it so gently so as not to fall off easily.

Consuming green tea twice a day proved to be beneficial to overall health, including making the hair strong and healthy so as to prevent and stop hair loss.


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