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White Water for Your Health

Most of us are drinking water shortages. Approximately 80% of the cells making up our bodies are composed of water. It means we can not maintain our life without water. Its owner to prevent shortages of water in our bodies, we need to supply water into our bodies to help the expenditure of dirty water and improve the body's fluids. Water what is good for our bodies??
Once we know that drinking water is important, what kind of water should we drink??

Tap water?
Most tap water contains chlorine which is used for sterilization. The content trihalometana as a cause of cancer in the sterilization process. Besides tap water also contaminated pesticides, Canto industrial waste, sewage cleaning residual water that seeped into the soil layer. So your body should stay away from tap water.

The water you drink does not include tea, soft drinks, coffee and alcohol. We recommend that you do not replace water with drinks above. Better not to drink water and replace water with sports drinks to relieve thirst after exercise. Although these drinks contain minerals and amino acids needed by the body, its sugar content is also high. If you consume that much sugar, blood sugar levels will rise and a large amount of insulin released from the pancreas. We overload the body and make the body sluggish and tired.

Tea has flavors of soft drinks is healthier than high sugar yield. But the people who often drink tea, a layer of mucus in the stomach will look rough. What is this?? Tea contains substances that cause the bitter taste of tannin in tea. As a result, tannins in tea can cause peptic ulcers. Catechins in tea is good for your health, but if taken in excess can cause gastric cancer. You want to gastric cancer?

Bottled fruit juice or canned drinks?
Have you read the packaging beverage products labeled "100% fruit" or "100% natural". You believe?
Bottled or canned fruit juice is made from fruit. BUT please bear in mind in you, THAT fruit juice in bottled or canned NOT CONTAINING ENZYMES are needed in your body. The body requires a lot of enzymes derived from vegetables and fruits THE FRESH.
Can be called in bottled or canned juices as juice KOSENTRAT. Why? Fruit extracts that will be created as bottled or canned juice to be heated. As a result of enzymes in the fruit will experience denaturation (enzyme damage). So that the juice is NOT CONTAINING ENZYMES.

Coffee contains caffeine which is harmful to the body. In addition, the coffee sold in the market often contain sugar and milk refinasi.

Fizzy drinks?
Many soft drinks (carbonated) sold in the market tainted by a lot of sugar. Sugary drinks will trigger a rise in blood sugar can cause diabetes. Would not you do not want a disease that comes in your life right??

Cold water and alcohol?
Drinking cold water when thirsty is also not good. Perhaps you immediately feel comfortable because of increased blood circulation caused by the effects of alcohol. BUT after a few hours you will mengekut blood vessels (vasoconstriction) so difficult to carry oxygen and other nutrients to your cells. The body is also burdened because waste expenditure disturbed.

Beer is one of the alcoholic beverage products. Meaning is highly diuretic and can drain, rather than add to the water in your body. Perhaps you exercise so healthy and increase metabolism, BUT if the exercise is terminated by drinking beer, which happens even your cells age.
Better to decrease soft drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks, alcohol, tea and coffee. DO NOT equate it to drink all kinds of drinks WITH WATER. AIR is desired by your cells. Drink one or two cups of water on a regular basis every few time throughout the day. That way, you maintain the moisture content in cells and protect itself from cellular damage and disease.

Replace consumption of soft drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks, alcohol, tea or coffee WITH WATER.
Better not to drink water and replace water with sports drinks to relieve thirst after exercise.
Drinking lots of water helps keep the skin maintaining fresh and young
Immediately save your life from now on by eating only white water.
Next: Nutritional Value of Dragon Berry Fruit
        7 an Alternative Substitute for Drinking water

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